Starting Insanity.

My husband and I are starting Insanity on Monday June 24th. Looking for others who are interested in doing it as well so that we can motivate and push each other! Message me if you are interested in doing it...or if you have done it in the past even.


  • jassoi
    jassoi Posts: 14 Member
    cool! i started a few months ago, but i only do it a few times a week because of timing with my jobs etc. its the most intense workout i ever tried, and i had to take a lot of breaks through it!! but it does feel great afterwards!!! i dont think i could cope with doing everyday of it! haha, i will start from the begining on monday 24th too and we can motivate eachother!
  • joeysfacts
    joeysfacts Posts: 83 Member
    Good for you. I just finished my full second time around. Love it. You will be so happy with the results. Remember, you don't need to keep up with them on the video. So many people give up because they think they are failing since they find it hard to do all the exercises. It's just an hour out of your day for 6 days a week.
  • kaylalryan
    kaylalryan Posts: 136 Member
    Good for you. I just finished my full second time around. Love it. You will be so happy with the results. Remember, you don't need to keep up with them on the video. So many people give up because they think they are failing since they find it hard to do all the exercises. It's just an hour out of your day for 6 days a week.

    Thanks!! I am very excited. I know it will be hard... but as long as I give MY 100% i think it will be great!
  • Becky_Smith72
    Becky_Smith72 Posts: 161 Member
    You can do it! I'm a beach body coach and have done 4 cycles of 30 days plus Asylum! Iam a mom of 5 kids and although its time consuming I have more energy than I've had in years. It's a great workout! I actually have a beach body support group starting July 1st on FB if you'd be interested.. just for support and motivation.
  • Pamjonesfitz
    Pamjonesfitz Posts: 2 Member
    You will love it. Shaun T is awesome he is coming out with a new workout T25 it only takes 25 mins a day :)
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    Finished insanity June 2nd. Let a friend borrow it. If I didn't have such a hectic schedule I would totally do it again. I hope you like it. Remember form over speed.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I'm half way through week 3 right now. Make sure you keep your form. If you lose form, take a break. Don't worry about keeping up with the video, just push yourself at your own pace. I would recommend taking body measurements and pictures before you start, then taking progress pictures and measurements each rest day. I didn't see any changes as a result of the first week, but when I put before and after pictures side by side, I was shocked at how substantial the improvement was. You may not notice it day-to-day, but you will if you have the hard evidence. Good luck. It's tough, but it's worth it.
  • L8BarMom
    L8BarMom Posts: 4
    I am on day 23 of Insanity. I'm 42, mom of 3 kids...3 C-sections...I'm at 168 pounds and I'm about 5'5" tall. I have to say that the program is good. I like the workouts and I like the challenge of beating my mind. Staying really focused is key when you're working out with this program, and I say that knowing that I don't have it all figured out yet, and I'm by no means an expert. That said, my body is not like it was when I was 25. Things ache a little more than they used to, and that's a struggle. I don't give up, but I am aware that I can't be jumping around like some of these kids on the video without paying for it the next day. I modify when I need, and I do it as Shawn T does when I can too.

    For me, I'm not losing any weight yet, and I haven't really noticed inches coming off either (I did take measurements on day one and each week). I do see differences in my back fat though, and in my upper body, oddly enough. I just don't see a difference in my belly or my thighs (but I can FEEL the muscles in there) I have a feeling I'm not eating enough, which blows my mind because I am FULL. I used to do WW, which is nearly impossible when you're using the diet plan that comes with Insanity. I'm over my points every single day, although the workout points obviously help...but even so, I get the feeling I'm doing something really wrong. So today, I tried MFP out of curiosity and I was shocked that after 5 meals today - I'm only at just over 1200 calories, which isn't good. I'm not even trying to limit myself! I'm sure my body must be in starvation mode, and maybe that's been my problem all along. I've always thought my metabolism was working at a snails pace...and now I know why. I'm undermining my own progress, dang it, but at least now I know. I don't know how much more I can really eat each day - but I'm going to keep trying to stick to the Insanity food plan.

    I just wanted to say that you have to keep going. There is this microsecond every single day just before I hit "Play" on the DVD that I don't want to do it - but I hurry and hit the button so that I do the workout. It's tough to keep working out, thinking that you're doing your body good and then you don't see results, and truthfully I haven't - at least not that are visible. That said, last weekend I went on a hike with my husband and kids. I am not a hiker. I don't "enjoy" exercise or things like that - I do it as a means to try and be healthy. Well, I was the first one up the mountain and the first one down. While I felt tired at times, I didn't feel like I was going to die, and I felt GREAT after it was over. I loved it. That alone keeps me going. I just have to believe that with all the sweating I'm doing each day (and each day I am literally DRIPPING with sweat - as in I'm my own personal monsoon), something has got to happen eventually. I'm nervous about month #2 coming up, but I'll do the same there that I do now - I do what I can, keep good form and keep going.
  • kaylalryan
    kaylalryan Posts: 136 Member
    Thanks Guys! All very good information!
  • bunnsangel
    bunnsangel Posts: 37 Member
    Just started Insanity tonight. Did the fit test and could hardly make it through it, but I did :smile: Tonight, I started Day 1 and I can feel the burn, but I need to lose inches and from what I've heard Insanity is the best workout. If you want to we can motivate each other.

  • christinefitz1
    christinefitz1 Posts: 3 Member
    i just finished week 4 (this morning) of my first go-round with sean t. :) LOVE it a lot (and hate it just a little.) :) i had done turbo fire first, and really loved that work out....this one snuck up on me. at first, i was just doing it, because i had swapped video sets with my neighbor and didn't have the other DVD set. i would start, grumble, in my head, and hten before i knew it, i was working too hard to remember to hate it. :) it IS inSANE! but wonderful! i was down to a "healthy" weight (although ithink i'd still like to drop about 5 lbs, ish)--and haven't seen a big drop (in fact, i'm up 2 lbs.) but i've DEFINITELY firmed up. dropped a size, and lost back/muffin-top. my kid-belly is shrinking...and my legs and arms are MUSCULAR. so if i don't lose lbs, i'm fine with that.....i know this is me, getting helathier and stronger. :) good luck!!!!
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    I started it this week and it's so tough! But as others have said, the key is not to try to go at the pace they're going it, go at your own speed and when you need to, take a break for a few seconds and join in again.

    Even some of the mega fit people in the DVD have to stop and take a rest here and there so it shows how difficult it is. And also because they take breaks you don't feel so bad taking one yourself.

    I dread getting up every morning to do this but afterwards I feel like I've really achieved something and I'm glad I did it. So get some Insanity buddies to help you through and keep you motivated!

    Good luck, you can do it!
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    Just finished Day 11 :drinker:
  • Hi there,I been doing insanity since May and finish the whole 4weeks.and now into recovery week but been stuck with it for a week now, due to Bad haze weather condition.cant really breath in the question is it ok to stop for a couple of weeks then proceed to the 5weeks? Btw.i only lostb1kg for the past 4 weeks.
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    my question is it ok to stop for a couple of weeks then proceed to the 5weeks? Btw.i only lostb1kg for the past 4 weeks.

    You can try. If you're up to it, then carry on. Let's hope your fitness levels haven't dropped by then.
  • kaylalryan
    kaylalryan Posts: 136 Member
    thanks for all the great tips people! keep them coming! AND add me as a friend if you'd like to support and egg each other on :)
  • L8BarMom
    L8BarMom Posts: 4
    I'm on to month 2 now. I am FINALLY at the point where people are starting to notice that I look different. I stopped measuring myself and have mostly stayed off the scale though, because to be honest - I was getting really discouraged. There is absolutely no weight loss going on with me at all, but my body is starting to firm up. I can actually see some ab muscles in there, my thighs are much firmer, and I can only imagine that this will continue this month. I will measure myself at the end of this month and we'll see from there. I think I'll do another round of Insanity for sure, and then I'm going to move on to T25.

    I have got to say, month two is RIDICULOUS. it's hard, and I have to say that I liked Shaun T MUCH better last month. :D Today was only day one though, and I felt very much as I did on day one. I did what I could, I laughed at myself a lot (because honestly - what else are you gonna do), and I dripped with sweat. My nemesis this month? Full body drills. Good gawd.

  • kb4175
    kb4175 Posts: 12
    Started today!! Fit test done! But definitely A LOT of room for improvement... So how was the first week, what do I have to look forward to? Lol. I really have no idea what to expect. The husband and a few friends are doing it too. That will be nice to have people close you can rely on for motivation, hopefully none of them punk out. Heck, hopefully I don't! I always start out real excited and have good intentions but then - I quit. One day at a time though is the best way to go. I got this!! And good luck to you!!
  • Hi everyone, I am on week 3 and did my ftness test number 2 yesterday. Managed to beat all my scores from the first time. Ive lost 1.5 kilos and an inch from my waist and hips. But I also feel more toned and am stronger. I can do a couple of proper pushups now (was doing them on my knees to start with).

    My tip would be to go at your own pace! For me its not quite realistic to work out 6 days per week so I've been doing 5 days. (found the recovery video to be a bit dull so I skip that day). Ive not been following the meal plan (again its not realistic for me) but I have been making a real effort to eat healthily.

    My worry for this programme is that people give it all theyve got for 60 days then stop. I am trying to work it into a more long term lifestyle change (that for me needs to include a few treats and chocolate). Does any one agree?