crystaldancing69 Member


  • I'm in! Started a 25 by Christmas back in August. Lost about 22 pounds before the Holiday binges took me away. Now I've committed to 10 pounds by Spring Break with several other teachers. Back on the road to my goal of 77 pounds! :)
  • Stupid treats on the staff table at work. My plan is to avoid the place....hard, when you have to go in to check your work box for mail....
  • Forgive yourself and start again. It's not what we eat during our binges, it's how we eat long term. I know I have the tendency to rationalize and say, "Forget it!" And off I go into happy food land, happy for those sweet minutes of indulgence, and then way back I feel guilty as well...Just let it go, dust off,…
  • New too! First week back.I've lost four pounds this first week! Too bad every week doesn't go as fast as the first one!! :) I'm not going to jump right in to cardio either, but I would recommend restorative yoga. It is mostly slow and yummy stretches. At least I am moving and stretching my body, even if I can't do cardio…
  • I can so relate to your situation. I will do great all day, and then blow it the final couple of hours before bed. At those times, when it's quiet and I'm not distracting myself with activity, I can no longer push away the feelings of loneliness and loss. So I eat, and I feel better for a while, it distracts me, and I can…