

  • Everyone has really great advice that I agree with! My only other advice is in regard to the exercise videos; so what if you can only do the first 5 minutes? Do that, and every time you do it, you will be able to do another few minutes, and build up. Walks and all the other stuff is good advice too, but if you want to set…
  • EEk! Stay with it! If anything that is one of the most important things... good job at 3 weeks no smoking though!
  • Yeah no, no extra need for tracking... I love fruit so that totally concerned me haha! Thanks for the advice =]
  • I am also here for you, feel free to add me! And something I still do even though I don't use weight watchers is look for the non-member weight watchers recipe sites and use those... great ideas with a HUGE group of people, and all the nutrition info is usually listed!
  • Yeesh! Yeah I can imagine baby + new diet and routine don't = huge success!
  • I had a lot of success with Weight Watchers when I was on it, but then got put on steroids because of my back and holy moly, you have never felt hunger til you have felt steroid hunger! I ended up losing motivation from not being able to stay on the plan. But it is a great program! Excited to see how it works for you =]
  • Yeah yeah, I know =[ lol this is something I knew, but was hoping maybe there was some magical thing I could do ;) What about the second part? Any suggestions on low impact activities? To be more specific about my problem is my feet break easy, so it isn't a knee/joint type problem, it is a foot bone problem =]
  • Oh wow you moved across the country! Way braver then anything I could ever do... I moved from Everett to Pullman (WSU) for 6 months and just about lost my mind! Thanks for the support, and am glad to offer it back if you need =]