

  • Yep I would be totally fine with that sort of outfit!! As long as you don't get too skimpy on your outfit, you should be just fine : ) Good luck on the new job!
  • My 3 year old was in the bathtub & flipped her hair in front of her eyes and says "Who do I look like mom?" I say "I don't know hun, who?" She says "Me look like Justin Bieber mommy!" lol That made me seriously giggle for a few minutes!!
  • I've never eaten a big mac either!
  • I used a lot of drugs from the age of 15-17, quit on my own and have never even had a thought to use again. I graduated HS at age 17 with honors, moved out on my own at 17 and bought my first house at 18!! Now me, hubby & kids are still at the same house that I purchased almost 11 years ago!
  • Too funny!! Me too but mine is the left foot!!
  • Hello & welcome to MFP - best of luck : )
    in New Member Comment by clarreb March 2011
  • Thank you! I will try to stay less under, I'm sure I can do that! :)
  • I'm ususally only under my calories by 200-300 and sometimes only like 50. I do feel kinda of bloated like it might be water weight or too much sodium. I did have a large sodium intake the past couple of days. Thanks for all the advice & encouragement!!
  • Omgosh that is sooooo scary. I can't even imagine how horrifying that would be. How did they get in? Was the door unlocked? I pray that they stay away from you & your family for good. I would definetely invest in a security system & I would also ask around and see if any neighbors have had a similiar experience recently.…
  • I totally agree. My girls love to get on my treadmill after I am done & I allow them 5 mins tops because they are already thin. They do it all for fun plus it gets too cold out sometimes during winter in Michigan. I don't think I'd ever buy them their own treadmill but I can always supervise them on mine! We also discuss…
  • I am a huge night-time snacker! I used to have a bowl of ice cream almost every night before bed but now if I am really hungry I will have a greek yogurt or small bowl of healthy cereal. I agree if you have left over calories then you can always use them for a small meal or a night-time snack. I generally go for something…
  • When you go to type in exercise, just hit the Search button & it will show you a whole bunch of different exercises to use. Hope that helps ; )
  • I count vacuuming, sweeping, mopping or even if I have lots of laundry & dishes & dusting, picking up toys but I try to make it feel like I am doing a mini workout as I clean, I usually count that as light to moderate. Hey if you are moving and burning calories, I figure I deserve to count it! lol
    in Cleaning Comment by clarreb March 2011
  • Greek yogurt, kashi bars & melaleuca access bars are awesome!! Homemade soups with lots of veggies :)
  • I have Eat This Not That 2011 edition & it has opened my eyes to soooo much. I never realized how many chemicals are excessively in the foods we eat. I would totally recommend getting the books. I have the restaurant edition but it also has so much more valuable information. I bet all the books are awesome! The one I have…
  • Welcome & good luck on your journey :flowerforyou:
    in Hey Comment by clarreb February 2011
  • I just joined last week & I lost 4lbs in my first 5 days! I love myfitnesspal & have told so many people about it! Good luck on your journey :) Becky
    in Hi! Comment by clarreb February 2011