

  • Welcome! I am the same way! I got married 6 months ago and couldn't stick to my "wedding weight loss plan"... I only lost 7 pounds because I just wasn't trying very hard. My coworkers and I started "the biggest loser" in January and are playing for money. I have lost 18 pounds. It's not only the money, but being…
  • bikinis and tube tops!!!
  • You look fabulous! I can see the results from every angle, I'd say espcially from the back! Congrats!
  • Since you are only looking to lose 5-10 pounds, I think the shred itself should be enough. I am on week 3, level 3 and have lost 6 pounds. You will definately gain some muscle mass. I'm looking to lose 12 more pounds, so I started adding cardio 2 days a week. I think you'll do fine, but stick with it. Everyday.
  • Can I join? Are we losing 10 pounds in the month of April? That was actually my goal. I've lost 19 pounds since January and can't seem to get much more off. I've been doing the 30 day shred religiously... getting frustrated but not willing to give up!!!