

  • What I have done is as the pounds have fallen off, and my clothes have become too big, I put my out sized clothes on ebay, and the money I get in return then buys me new smaller sized clothes. Old out , new in. Not only does it give me a buzz to buy new slimmer fitting clothes, but also makes me feel good wearing the new…
  • I only weigh myself once a week - Monday morning, first thing, totally naked. I do not see the point in weighing myself any more because I find it fluctuates through out the day, and also one day I may have lost two pounds but the following put a pound back on. Once a week is all I find is necessary. No point becoming…
  • Hello there Firstly you have made one of the best choices by joining this site. Congratulations (and no I am not on commision!) I joined this site a while ago and by being honest with myself and recording every single morsel of food I ate gave me the will power to change the way I eat and the things I eat. I had a break…
  • i am NOT overweight .....there is more of me than usual to love.:blushing:
  • Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Coincidence? I think not!:laugh:
  • Amazing .....50lb....that is awesome
    in Hello! Comment by pobbles February 2011
  • Hi there Rosie.......What are you afraid of? The scales will not lie......If you have lost weight then that is brilliant. If you haven't then do not lose heart.....Look in to where you have been slipping up and then you can act on it. You have taken the biggest step by being determined to lose the weight, so do not…
  • I guess I am possibly in the worse possible job when it comes to shedding the pounds as I am a chef/catering manager and therefore have to deal with food each and every day. However I totally love my job....there is never a day when I am not in the mood for going in to work.
  • Hi Jean :happy: Wecome on board! I have only been a member for a week, but the support you get from people on here is amazing. If you want some daily encouragement then please feel free to add me to your friends list. Some times you find it makes life easier to chat, rant and rave, share the good days and the bad times…
  • I am sooooooooooooo glad to hear I am not the only one who has a partner who tries to lead me astray! A lthough I love him dearly I do find it frustrating that he is not fully supporting me. He made a batch of chocolate muffins today and they smelt and looked amazing, I was polite enough to try one......but I knew my…
  • As a chef I can confirm this way works! Sprinkle cut avocados with lemon juice, lime juice or white vinegar, then store in an airtight container. Exposed fruit doesn't last as long as intact fruit, so use within two days.
  • You look absolutely amazing and are a true inspiration to me. Congratulations on your success......even though I do not know you I am so proud of you :flowerforyou:
  • Hi there! I have only been a member a few days, but believe me, I really do believe now that recording every little thing I eat is helping me. Just think....if you do not record what you eat, it is so easy to think....sod it...I will have a burger and then burn off the extra calories later. But in reality, we never…