Claudia50G Member


  • Morning, new to myfitnesspal; I have RA and lupus. Exercise is difficult and my mind set is terrible. MD said I also have depression due to fatigue and pain. Need support, please, to get me on track with diet and exercise.
  • Lupus and RA here. Biggest hurdle is the fatigue with flares. Just came off prednisone so need to really watch what I eat - was 170 before pred now 179. Quit WW -- didn't really help much since instructors were not very familiar with autoimmune diseases.
  • I too just started again. Have tried professional weight loss groups and lost a lost of money but no permanent weight loss. Trying the DASH diet and increased exercise (love yoga and water aerobics). I am in my 60's and get discouraged by how slowly weight comes off.
  • Hi. Love Wake Forest.
  • Good morning. So glad there are other people in the East Raleigh/Wake Forest area. I quit smoking 6 months ago and am now ready to lose the 15 pounds I gained plus hopefully another 10. Additional support welcomed.:happy: :happy:
  • Hi from North Carolina. I am 65, recently quit smoking, exercise at least 4 x a week at Planet Fitness for one hour. I still work and recently lost my sister. Need motivation to stop snacking after quitting smoking.
    in hello Comment by Claudia50G July 2014