Need Support

I am in need of support. I am at my heaviest weight at this point in my life. I have been told by my doctors that it is imperative that I drop the weight. I have been back and forth with diets and they work but something in me does not seem determined to do it. I have been back and forth on myfitnesspal but I know it must be done this time. I have tracked for 4 days so far!! I just need support and words of wisdom. :)


  • TracylClement
    TracylClement Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I hear you! Several months ago I was in the same position & feeling miserable. I have lost 20kg since then but still have another 12 or so to lose. I followed a program called Changing Habits Changing Lives & also used MFP daily to help keep me on track. Have a look at their website but l Let me know if you want to know more. Both systems have helped me immensely & I feel fantastic!
  • Claudia50G
    Claudia50G Posts: 7 Member
    I too just started again. Have tried professional weight loss groups and lost a lost of money but no permanent weight loss. Trying the DASH diet and increased exercise (love yoga and water aerobics). I am in my 60's and get discouraged by how slowly weight comes off.