Thanks everyone! :)
I see the Doctor :D
Thank you to everyone who posted on here! Thanks especially to the ones talking about self esteem and things like that! You are too kind :) I will definitely look into buying Compression shorts. Thanks! :D
How did I forget to put Supernatural? Sorry!
I'm not jealous, I am physically dating him. He just doesn't know!
Thank you very much! :) x
Is it weird that I am excited for you haha? I would love for my family to see me when I am 50lbs down! I can't wait! Congratulations!
Good luck to you!
Thanks everyone! And well done to you all!
Thank you!
Thank you everyone!
Thank you! And well done on your weight loss!
If Doctor Who, Sherlock, Marvel, Merlin, books, Tumblr and much more being my life makes me one then yes!
I miss him so much!
YES! I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry but I have been looking for one for these for ages! Doctor Who is literally my life(as well as Sherlock, Marvel, Merlin…)!