thank you all!!
you know your body better than your computer does. Eat as you have been eating if its comfortable for you. Don't feel the need to overeat just because someone told you to. If you start exercising regularly, thats when i'd try to bump it up to 1200 to maintain energy.
thanks for the replies guys! I do cardio routines with instructor Cassey Ho on youtube. They basically consist of a lot of jumping around and expending energy.
yay! :)
go on youtube and look up "blogilates". she will change your life. She did for me :)
having fun doing it. Using the treadmill for an hour everyday was becoming unbearable. I figured, why do I have to lose weight something I hate when i could be losing more doing something I love? so I found this girl on youtube, Blogilates, and started doing her cardio videos. She's super funny and spirited. The hour…