

  • I have had it since i was sixteen and i find that i consistently hit spots where i lose nothing, even working very hard at it. I sometimes forget about it for a week, i don't log foods and kinda say whatever! It seems to help me start to lose again when i become strict again. I also cannot tell you how much starting to…
  • I started using MFP in March of this year. I used it faithfully and had results of about 40 lbs. I recently started Adipex and it has really helped me! I think it can be done healthy and if done right you can use it without the negative, like changing your habits. I have changed my habits dramatically with the help of the…
  • Congratulations on the diabetes! Thats awesome! My thyroid has always been enlarged, it seems to be larger if I skip my medicine on occasion or if my level becomes too low. My doctor and specialist told me that thyroid nodules are almost always benign so I guess that is what I am sticking with for now.
  • exhaustion! I feel like i am losing out on so much in life because I just don't want to do anything. Followed by depression and constipation.
  • I do get a little down about seeing people that put up before and after pictures when they had only twenty pounds to lose in the first place, or they start a exercise program and tone up and they look awesome. I'm sure it is jealousy and some shame that i had let myself get to this point in the first place. It is…
  • I found a long time ago that if I feel deprived i go crazy! I find a way to give into my cravings. If I break down and eat the pizza I just know that my next meal is going to suffer for it. I might get my pizza but Ill be eating chicken soup for supper. :) It is working for me!
  • Happy for you! I have yet to put one on this year, I am kind of hoping it will look better on me this year!
  • Dont be so hard on yourself for losing slowly, it is frustrating, but why get too upset if the scale is going down and not up? I have had some weeks where I lose 0 and I was getting so irritated that I worked so hard and nothing to show. But I have learned that success is not always on the scale. i am very happy I am…
  • I have had hypothyroidism since I was sixteen years old. (I'm now 33) I have felt like crap most of that time and stacked on the weight. I am now seeing a specialist and I feel amazing! I am using MFP, and have lost 40 lbs. I could not do it before, no matter how strict I was. my new doctor changed me from levothyroxine,…