ch112803 Member


  • I have had problems with my back since I was 19. Just walking will make a HUGE difference. I like the Leslie Sansome videos. The movements are basic and very low impact, eventually adding bands and weights it's a great place to start.
  • Well, it's a new day and I'm up for the challenge. I've got my lunch and snack packed for work. I intend on finding time between 7-8pm to head over to the gym and work out. I haven't been there in over a year!! I'm looking forward to it. I've been busy trying to get the kids' rooms organized as well too Jessa. I've got…
  • Hello everyone! I am still here. My schedule has just picked up this past week and it's been a crazy adjustment. My DD is doing flag cheerleading. I'm taking over her Daisy Girl Scout troop this year so I've been trying to find time to prepare and I've still got 2.5 weeks of PT as well. It's going to be a very busy year. I…
  • My SW was 288 which is what I weighed when I had my baby. I'm down to 265. My goal is 140 and I'm giving myself two years to get there. I have two reunions that year so I want to make an impression and be able to walk in feeling confidant.
  • SW: 288 CW: 265 GW: 260 - 10% weight loss at a time Well I didn't lose anything, but I didn't gain either. However, I am wearing a size smaller today. Woohoo!! I've got a positive outlook and am motivated to do things right today. Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • Okay, I apparently haven't been serious enough about this weight loss. I'm so glad I found this site and you ladies. You are all an inspiration and I just need to get real about the work that needs to be done. My parents have a treadmill in their basement collecting dust. I know I'm allowed to walk so I just gotta do it. I…
  • And what if you don't and find out you love to run. I always found running difficult even when I was younger, but I found it gave me a way to clear my head when I was running. Just start out slow and do a few minutes of walking and a few minutes of running, and build up to it.
  • Ooooh you play Wow? Me too!! My DH and I met playing EQ online 11 years ago and we've moved on to WoW. What server are you on? We're on Ghostlands at the moment. I don't get too much time to play since I started my new job. It stinks!! i have to get up at 5am just to make it to work on time. Today has been rough. My back…
  • I weighed in yesterday at 265. I normally get up on the weekdays sometime between 4:45 & 5:15 so adding another step to my morning routine is a struggle. It's usually a chore just to get ready and out the door because I'm up so late the night before. I'm looking for opinions on water bottles. I've been dying to try the one…
  • Yeah, I'm right there with you about the soda. I had one without thinking about it. I'm so hot and soda is always so refreshing, it makes me want another. One choice at at time though and tomorrow is a new day.
  • I live outside of Rochester, NY. I'd love to try Zumba too. I did at an overnight lock-in with the Girl Scouts but I'm still recovering form a spinal injury. It didn't really help but it was fun the few minutes I tried it. I loved to dance when I was younger. I think it's really important to find an activity that you can…
  • Wow!!! You are amazing and you look it!!!
  • /ditto We can do this and the fact that we are starting a new month tomorrow just gives us a fresh beginning. I can't wait to take this journey with all of you. I know we can do this and even more, we deserve this.
  • I like the Eliminators as well.; eliminating negative behaviors and thoughts that we don't deserve better. I've very excited about this group and look forward to getting to know everyone.
  • I wouldn't recommend water pills without talking to your doctor first. Water makes up 55-60% of our body make up. So, if you are dehydrated...which the majority of us are...your body will retain water. You should drink at least 64 oz but I've seen equations that recommend drinking half of your weight in ounces. I weigh 266…
  • Me too please!! I'm starting to realize all the tools and support MFP has to offer and I'm totally done with not looking like the girl I am inside. I'm recovering from a spinal injury (3 disc protusions) which gave me trouble and could not be diagnosed until after I gave birth to my third child Jan 4th of this year. It was…
  • It's a good trick that I've seen to ask the server to box up half the entree before even bringing the plate to your table. I haven't actually tried it myself...yet. I so wish I had used the trick of checking my calorie counter before diving into oat biscuits sent by the in-laws from England. I'm kicking myself for the 670…
  • Yep, I'm 5'5". I actually used to think I was only 5'4" but had a nurse take one look at me and remeasure me. I was so excited to have gained an inch. lol I'm actually aiming for 140s. Don't forget the last 20 pounds are more vanity pounds. It's about how you feel about yourself and not about the number.
  • You are certainly not alone. Everyone has offered very good tips. I would recommend small steps. For me, it was preparing myself mentally that I was going to make a life change. Having a support group and keeping a journal helped get me started. It's important to remember your water intake and that you need to eat to lose…
  • I use a Reebok Pulse. i wanted to get something that was outrageously expensive in case I didn't use it as much as I intended It's been great and I really like its functionality. It will give you your HR and your total calories burned. It has a nice design so I actually wear it all day.