

  • I'm in. I too am a size 6 but want to return to my 4s in comfort and the occassional 2. My closet is full of them. I know if I stick with this that by Sunday after next I can be down 3 lbs. and in 3 months 15lbs would be attainable. I am 10 lbs heavier than I was when I got married 14 years ago and want to see that size…
  • just press PLAY!!! it does work. I'm starting Insanity again tomorrow... I hate it but know it will work if I just press PLAY.
  • And one more bit of advice. Despite what Oprah might say, marriage is about compromise - giving and taking. This is the only way two people can exist together. For those who might say that they will not compromise what they want (not that I have heard this yet on this thread, but hear it too much in my office) you won't…
  • I am a divorce lawyer but this is not legal advice. Do everything in your power to save your marriage. No one comes out whole from a divorce - no one. Your children will be the biggest casualties.
  • It has been so nice to read some of the comments. Today is day is day 40 for me and my husband. I have only lost 6 pounds but my body is changing and boy do I feel stronger. We are loosing some of our momentum though... he has had a few late nights of work and we have been rearranging our schedules to get the workouts in.…