Bethskx Member


  • Thank you so much :smile: . Unfortunately, weight lifting is a must. I hate lifting but it gets results! Try incorporating exercises you enjoy first so you stick to it and then once you are seeing results, start lifting :smile: I would say it took just under a year but there is 2 years between the pictures. I went about…
  • Thanks!! The before pic is starving myself in the week and binge eating on the weekend and the after is training 5-6 times a week in the gym with cardio/classes/weights and eating between 1650-2000 calories a day.
  • I have been waiting so long to post beofore/ after pictures!! 5'3 : 136-130 :smile:
  • The BMR of 115 is only 1350 calories.. I'm not sure if that is too low to start with or not?
  • I get 1660 calories for weight loss which is in line with all the other calculators I have used. Thanks :)
  • My pant etc do not feel any different at all, thats why I am getting frustrated :/. I have never been a scale weigher at all because I don't think it measures success but I feel like I am just getting no where at the moment in terms of weight loss. I am getting stonger and my arms have always been toned but they look…