

  • Each one's fiber content will play a factor in how much of an insulin spike each one causes, given the same serving amount of each. Also, since insulin is the culprit behind carb-based weight gain, investing in a glucose meter would not be a bad idea. Eat some and then test your blood periodically to see what happens. I…
  • 5'9, 168 (aiming for 158 to lose a little middle age flab). I've been low carb/high fat for some years but age demands changes, so after some experimenting it looks like 1550 a day is what works for me. Consistency is the key to success, and mental toughness is the key to consistency. Created by - Free…
  • Too high for what? is the question. Coconut's fat content is indeed extremely high, one of the highest, but it will be of no harm to you (a) if you're in ketosis (meaning low carb and have been on less than approx. 20g/carbs daily for a few days) or (b) can otherwise burn it off somehow. If you can't, coconut oil will make…
  • Grated Parmesan cheese.
  • Hi, I've never gone quite that low (I had 18 grams today and feel great) but I know people who go that low regularly if not constantly. You can live just fine on that limit, or zero intake of's mostly an issue of mental toughness to see it through for the first few days, which WILL be tough for someone who has…
  • What is "shot your metabolism"?
  • That may be your problem; fiber intake probably won't offset it much. Since you've done Paleo, what's the general guidelines on carb intake per day? I've never done it myself, standard low carb works fine for me, with only occasional drops below 20g (like now).
  • It's been around as a medically proven approach since at least 1797. The Atkins version dates to the early '70s but there were versions before that. If one wants to extend it to pre-agrarian or non-agrarian societies, it's been around for several thousand years. BTW...I'm quite satiated, thanks, not feeling deprived at all.
  • I was restricting my calories but started extreme (20g/day max) low carb a few days ago. Ketosis kicked in pretty quickly but the measured amount was rather faint. I have now cut my protein some, since excess can be stored as fat, and really upped my coconut oil and coconut milk (don't ask how much, you'll puke). My…
  • Hi, If you're still eating low carb, what would you say your fat/protein/carb ratio would look like?
  • Be thankful you don't have insulin issues, then, since you apparently don't. If carbs can actually help you lose weight, great. You're very fortunate. There are many whose body has the exact opposite response. If I may share this bit of advice: I graduated H.S. weighing 117, could run for miles and couldn't put on fat or…
  • "Cutting carbs is weird and unnatural." We are all different and it depends on many factors personal to the individual. Weird and unnatural for you can be an absolute MUST for another, so please don't be so hasty to judge a situation that is not yours. The key is that carbs = glucose = sugar = insulin response. Some carbs…
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