

  • Everybody's suggestions are just about dead on. It's good that you've incorporated more protein into your diet. Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient that can only come from eating meat or from supplements that are produced using bacteria. Generally iron deficiency has a major effect on hair growth/loss, and of course…
  • I have failed this week to be productive at all when it comes to weight loss. :/ Temporary setback I hope!
  • Yeah so let's say every Monday post weight! Although this week I got my period so I don't expect to show any loss. I'll def show a gain on Monday.
  • The lower number and upper number are equally important. The upper number tells the pressure in your cardiovascular system when your heart is contracting, the lower number tells the pressure when your heart relaxes. It is important for everybody to work in conjunction with a physician when it comes to blood pressure. It is…
  • Your systolic blood pressure (the first number) looks much better. You do want it under 120 though. Your diastolic (second number) at 90 is still considered frank hypertension. Keep working hard to get that lowered. Have it monitored as well. Congratulations on bringing it down as low as you have!
  • Cruising May of 2014. Super excited and really want to be in great shape for it!
  • .7 is supposedly the ideal for a woman. Divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement and you'll see how close you are to perfection!
  • I've never had high blood pressure but just wanted to say congratulations! I'm in nursing school and I know how bad it is to have high blood pressure. It eventually just completely destroys your kidneys, your heart, and your brain. GOOD FOR YOU!!!
  • I lied. gave in and ate chips. Now I'm gonna do this workout. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5COzZlxaI4
  • Getting mine in a day or so and I am ravenous! I'm trying to just "live through the hunger." I know it won't kill me to just stick with the plan and I'll feel really good about that tomorrow morning. I still have exercise to get in, so I'm going to work on that as soon as "what would you do" comes on. Gotta reach my goal!
  • Awsome! I've got to be honest getting my period really threw a wrench in my plans. I'm as hungry as I don't know what and have zero desire to exercise. I'm gonna push through it though!
  • Also, make it super inconvenient to go to the fridge. Maybe flip the fuse that lights your way to the kitchen, place chairs in front of the pantry and fridge. These things wouldn't be a big deal in the morning, but in the dark they may make you think twice about all the extra effort that may be required. Also, you could…
  • At 5'6 and 121 lbs, I'd say you're really at the low end. Your body fat is quite low as well if the lower measurements are correct. What body fat percentage do you want to achieve?
  • OK thanks I'll try it out and see how it goes. I'd really really really like to shed this fat.
  • My workout routine is essentially running about 40-60 minutes every other day, strength training in between. I do calisthenics and body weight strength exercises. I'm working on increasing my running speed. I'm keeping my calories low, and was doing a net of 1200, but to achieve 2 lbs per week I lowered my net, and do a…
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