

  • If you can cope with the constant fluctuations of your weight (which is normal) then by all means weigh daily; however if you wish to weigh yourself only when you've made progress then I think every other week does sound about right. I personally did every week on Sunday morning. For me, day to day weigh-ins are…
  • Even if your objective was to "detox", why would that necessarily have to entail drinking only juice? It'd make a lot more sense to stick with unprocessed foods and drinking only water. I think of "juicing" as something along the same lines as fasting. If it's a challenge you wish to take on or if you find some sort of…
  • I didn't change. Not exactly sure why I would though. It's just weight. Obviously I feel better about my appearance, but other than that...same.
  • From the sound of it, I see nothing unusual about your progress. 4 lbs is good progress for 3 weeks. Keep in mind that in the beginning weight loss should be smooth, it's suppose to get a bit tougher as you progress. If you hit a plateau (no weight loss for 3 wks or so) that will mean you need to shake up your routine a…
  • Wow. I think this thread kind of changed my perception of this site. I thought this would be more of a middle-agish place. It's good to see generation XY care enough about their health to join. Btw, I'm 25. Anyone can add me if they like.
  • Hey, Yeah, I'd never pay just to lose weight. I think all the tools you could ever need are free and readily available online. I've never even bothered with gym memberships. Just never seemed necessary to me. I went from 260 to 188 lbs on my own, so I must be doing something right ;). btw, I'm 25. Nice to see some others…
  • I don't know any special recipes unfortunately. I've kept my diet very basic, but welcome to the forums and you're more than welcome to add me if you'd like.
  • Well to be honest, a healthy diet is what's most important with regards to weight loss. I didn't do so much as lift a finger when I lost my first 50 lbs, and even after that my regiment didn't change all that much; however, it's always best to at least try to put a minimal amount of effort to become more active. Things…
    in New Comment by Alonzo_Harris June 2013
  • Determination is really what it's going to come down to. Just about everybody knows what they have to do to lose weight nowadays, but it's only the ones with the discipline that make it happen. In my experience, the beginning was the easiest. It's near the end when it gets tough because your body catches on to your routine…
  • Yeah, I've noticed that most charts cap the women height at around 5'10 or 6'0. Here's another one that goes up to 6'0 : With regards to the waist to height test, I think that's to calculate your frame, but I'm not sure. In any case your doctor should be able to figure that out for you. btw, thanks for…
    in Hello Comment by Alonzo_Harris June 2013
  • Hey Vivian, I'm mostly going by the charts from medical websites. For 6'1 medium framed males I usually see a range of 150 - 177 lb and to be honest, I thought the charts were BS at first, but when I reached my initial goal (220lb) I found myself far from being satisfied. I really just would like to get rid of the handles.…
    in Hello Comment by Alonzo_Harris June 2013