

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR FITNESSPAL, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. Todays goal is to think only of happy things, to enjoy the nice day, to celebrate being alive, to know there are many of us challenged with the things you have to face. This forum is wonderful to help us all move forward.…
  • Good morning, isn't a wonderful day. I hope you find magic in one thing you do today.
  • Nice way to start the morning Ed, it appears that we all need to show love. So, heres a challenge for all of you. Today make a difference in someones life. Give a smile, do a favour, show you care and share the love. Love your children, love your mate if there is one, love your friends, pick up the phone today and call…
  • I dont use my shakes or smoothies as I call them for meals I use mine for snacks. I love fresh fruit, water or I use soy milk. Make enough to have two glasses and i just enjoy them so much a perfect way to get lots of fruit.
  • I am in too, working on getting my weight down by Christmas would be perfect. I restarted this week and am just making this my spot to make sure I keep on it. I want to look like my daughter or a close older image, haha, keeping my sense of humour.
  • Hi Nichole: You know celebrating victories is wonderful. People are more selfish these days and rather than encourage they criticize. I say we need to compliment as many people with truthful things but positive. I don't know you but CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SUCCESSES!!!!! You said you look in the mirror and do not say…
  • Hi, you have to find filling foods, I started having smoothies everyday, some water, i drink soy milk and fruit, some fresh if i have it or frozen. It is a good source of fruits, fiber and liquid. It gives you a boost and makes you feel good, what I do when I feel hungry is find a small job that counts as exercise. It is…
  • That is an amazing accomplishment. Keep up the good work and remember that each step is a new step in a positive direction. Love your accomplishment look forward to hearing more and being able to post some of my own successes.
  • Hi, A lot of really fit men like the fact they look so good. If the wife is a shadow of them it makes their ego feel great. They get all the attention. I would say he is being insecure and loosing the ability to be the centre of attention. He is used to probably making you feel like you need to loose weight but to this…