bmele0 Member


  • Well, I've lost 111 lbs and I've done this over a span of 2 years. I've done it by trying to log accurately, weigh my food, and I wear an HRM to calculate a closer calorie burn than say what MFP tells me. I used to eat only half or less of it back. But when I started performing more intense exercise, I would feel super…
  • Following this thread! Something very similar has been going on with me. I highly suspect the 0.5 loss setting in MFP is actually my maintain now, but when I go to set it to 1 lb or 1.5 lb loss, I feel weak, tired, and can't perform as well. I feel ravenous if I don't eat half or more of my exercise calories back. I had 2…
  • There is a group for geeks on MFP, called The Geek Squid!
  • I started at 290, now I'm down 110 lbs. And when you start losing weight and feeling better- you won't even care as much about the loose skin. I'm not even at my goal or thin by any means, but I still check myself out lol You'll feel good, more energetic, and confident- at least I've found this to be true for me!
    in Saggy Skin? Comment by bmele0 May 2015
  • From what I understand, your genes, age, muscle, etc all play into how well your skin "snaps" back. I agree with the poster above, losing slowly will help mitigate some of the loose skin issues and building muscle can also help. I've also seen with others posting here that it just simply took time, in some case years. I've…
    in Saggy Skin? Comment by bmele0 May 2015
  • I've been drinking/ eating protein shakes/bars for 2 years now. Like I said, I'm more than well aware of other meal options in that calorie range and I do make them, but on the go or quick fix- those are my go-to. I cook at home as well and weigh food, so I'm A-OK on understanding portion sizes. I don't rely on them solely…
  • Fun exercise that I do that doesn't feel like working out- I have the Just Dance game on my X-box 360 and that will give you a nice little workout. I also started playing drop-in volleyball and on a coworker league team, and that's fun! Go for a nice bike ride or visit the local pool. At home? You can stream workout videos…
  • See I was opposite to Aimeerace- I didn't think about food all the time when I was morbidly obese. I remember I wasn't hungry much and I certainly wasn't paying attention or thinking about food before. Part of the problem was me not giving much thought to what I was putting in my mouth. Now I'm like hyper-aware. They say…
  • Unless you have a medical reason to lower carbs, than no reason to lower them. I mean people do change their macros on here to lower the percentage of carbs, but I don't believe it's drastic. I personally have a goal range for 40-45% carbs daily, higher protein and fat. Just remember, carbs aren't bad. It's excess of…
  • I also struggle with this mentality. Something that helps me is planning my food for the next day beforehand and having somewhat set meal times. In between those times, I try to do things that take my mind off it- you know like all those other things humans do on a daily basis like cleaning, working, reading, exercising,…
  • I actually like a few different meal replacement protein shakes/bars. I think I could eat or drink them for the rest of my life and if not, I also know several different meals that fit those same goals on days I have more time to whip something up. I don't think I am as likely to gain back since I still know how to select…
  • Don't give up, remember this is the long-haul. And you are doing fantastic! Also, you'll see it here, but weight loss is not linear, you may not see loss for a week or two but your clothes might fit better. You may see a gain here or there (specially for women and our water retaining selves), but then you see it drop.…
  • There was a helpful little chart I found one time here, like a general rule of thumb since the smaller you get, the harder it may be to lose, harder to sustain a big deficit like some people do in the beginning- If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal If you have…
  • Right now? Game of Thrones Dare Devil iZombie Grimm Unbreakable Fresh Off the Boat Gotta get back to watching Walking Dead, Outlander, and Marco Polo. I'm part of the way with all of those.
  • So, say in a week span, your calorie allotment is 1500 daily. On Monday, you eat 1300, Tuesday, 1500, Wednesday 1300 giving you about 400 calories that you didn't eat. On Thursday you decide to eat 1900, rest of the week 1500. If your loss was set to 1 lb, you should still expect to lose a lb for the week. Does that make…
  • I started at 292, and I've lost 110 lbs. In June, it'll be 2 years that I've been at this. During this time, I've learned slow and steady weight loss is the way to go. I have a better attitude towards food and portion control. I actually do like some protein shakes and bars- like I wouldn't mind eating or drinking them for…
  • 5'4'' 28 years old SW: 292 CW: 182 Original GW: 155 The GW I really want: 135-140ish
  • I get dizzy, light-headed, and faint if I don't eat something before :dizzy: . On the other hand, I can't go jog immediately after eating either, I have to wait an hour + depending on what I ate. So I basically have to plan :lol:
  • I started out with the default and lost weight for months just fine. You will lose weight as long you keep in a caloric deficit. As I became more concerned with muscle, strength training, and tracking macros- I lowered it to 45% carbs and divvied up the rest in fat/ protein. I try for more protein. Some people do 40/30/30,…
  • I love the Youtube channel FitnessBlender. They have workouts for beginners to advanced. I like the kickboxing for cardio and I'm doing their 5 day challenge. Jillian Michaels also has a few good videos up there. I stream them thru my x-box using the youtube app and play my own music in the background.
  • I break my day down into 3 small meals and 3 snacks and that third snack is a night snack. If I want more night snack, that's what I use some of my exercise calories for. Typically have anywhere from 250-400 extra calories.
  • I've lost 110 and I eat back some, if not most of my exercise calories back. As I get stronger and do more intense workouts, the more I need the fuel.
  • I love sweet things too. I cut them out for awhile and then slowly added it back in, but at that point, my taste for it was changed. Big part was grocery shopping- I stopped bringing junk into the house. I started to enjoy dark chocolate, so I'll have a small square or two. I'll have half a serving of nutella on something.…
  • 5'4'' 182 28 years old 0.5 loss a week- 1650 cal 1 lb loss- 1420 cal I set myself for about 1550. Sometimes I go lower, sometimes higher- depends on how I feel My husband is 6'8'' and just reached his goal of 220, Dr. said there aren't very good stats for people that tall, but told him to not go much lower than 220. He…
  • I like an egg over hard on a toasted bagel thin with chive and onion cream cheese. Sometimes I'll add a couple slices of turkey bacon or reduced fat bacon.
    in Bacon Comment by bmele0 April 2015
  • I like the Ensure protein drinks. I never liked to eat breakfast, but could stomach a cold shake in the morning. Since I'm fairly lazy and like to sleep in as much as possible, a cold protein shake does the trick most weekday mornings. I'm not adverse to protein bars either for a quick snack- I like everything from a lower…
  • My husband has been very supportive and hasn't really complained, but I kind of felt bad serving the same things every week. Now that he has started down the path of fitness himself (he was around 250 at 6'8'', so not big, but not fit), he realized how different our dietary needs were. I get like 1400-1600 calories a day…
  • When I first started, I didn't see any loss for about 2 weeks, and only a little bit. And then it started to really roll off 8-9 lbs a month for awhile. I've lost 110 so far- from a size 24 and moving into a 14. I still have a ways to go, but I feel pretty good about my continued results. Just keep at it! Gotta get in it…