6bizymom Member


  • July 2013 to March 2014- Got RID of 60 pounds!! Don't ever plan on finding it again! Going to go to maintenance for a month or 2 then back to losing weight. I still want to go down at least another 20 pounds or so. Would like 20-40 by the end of 2014. Biggest thing is I do NOT want to ever gain it back again!!
  • 1-27 188 pds 2-3 186.6 Loss of 1.4 pounds. Total lost during this season started at 210 went down to 186.6= 23.4 pounds :) I will take it. Total lost since July 2013 = 54 pounds
  • So how are your New Year Resolutions coming? I don't really make resolutions, but I guess it would be to keep my family close as my kids are crossing into adulthood, lots of adjustments with 6 kids that are 14-23 yrs old. Any specific to your weightloss journey? To hit 80 pounds lost by summer and maybe even hit 100 pounds…
  • Sounds REALLY good!!
  • I have the Fitbit One, I LOVE IT!! Keeps me motivated to keep moving. Shows steps, floors, miles traveled, and calories burned. It also monitors sleep patterns. You can check the read out on the Fitbit or you can sign on and see it online. I am sure it is not 100% PERFECT, but it is nice to keep track of some of it. Don't…
  • My Cholesterol was 221 in June. I started working out 4-6 times a week, aerobics and treadmill. I joined MFP and have been staying with the 1200 calorie diet. In Sept I had it tested again and it was down to 148. I have lost 42 pounds since June 30 and plan on doubling that before I am finished. I am going back to be…
  • Ok, so I have read a lot of posts and have to jump in. I am a mom of 6, ages 14-23 yrs old. I home schooled them all from k-12th grades. I had some that were very advanced, some that were right in the middle and one that really struggled through almost all school. I am not saying that it is the right thing for everyone,…
  • In my opinion, the Leslie Sansone Walk DVD's are the best!! There are many that have slower starts for just getting started. They are all low impact, not jumping around, just walking. It does incorporate arms with the walking. So when you can handle it you are getting more than just a walk, you get a work out. There are…
  • I have had the Fitbit One since mid July. I LOVE IT!! It does keep you motivated to get the numbers up. You can have competition with friends to see who has the most steps each day. A real bonus for me was the sleep monitor. Really lets me see my sleep patterns. It also sends you a report each week telling you how many…
  • I have done 85 miles this month as of today :) Working hard to get down another 60 pounds at least. Trying to get 5-8 miles day. Some Treadmill, some Gizelle glider, some Power Walk DVD. Nice for variety. Down about 25 pds as of the beginning of July. Trying to hit it hard and fast at the start. More encouraging to keep…