

  • If you can easily do 16 reps then the problem is, you not going heavy enough. Try to keep it in the 8 - 12 rep range. If you can't maintain proper form then you going too heavy. Find that sweet spot and work your way up from there.
  • I honestly think you would be better of with adding a 3rd day if possible. That's a lot of muscle groups to hit in just 2 days. I'm currently doing a 3 day split Monday= chest/tris Wed= back/biceps & Fri= shoulders/legs you can toss abs in what ever day of the week fits you.
  • Here's a video which pretty much explains the proper form. Start off with a comfortable weight and slowly progress your way up.
  • I can generally pack in about 115g of protein on just lean meats like chicken, turkey, & fish while still staying around 1300 - 1500 calories. On days I use protein shakes I avg between 160 - 200g. Try Kashi protein cereal and egg whites for breakfast, 4-5oz of chicken for lunch, and 4-5oz of a non fatty fish or some extra…
  • Great job on the 39lbs you did lose. Not sure of your current activities, but sometimes your body get used to doing the same thing over and over. Maybe it's time to reevaluate your exercise and eating methods. Don't be afraid to challenge yourself. It's all about how bad you want it. Just don't over do yourself.
  • First I would suggest looking up on youtube or google for body-weight exercises. There are plenty of exercises you can do to get in shape that don't involve weights or expensive equipment. Here a few to get you started; push ups, sit ups, crunches, dips, planks, squats, lunge, scissor kicks, bicycle kicks, jumping jacks,…
  • You have different kinds of whey protein shakes. Some are designed with higher calories and carbs to help gain mass and some with low amount of calories and carbs to help people stay lean. Also you have multiple kinds of whey protein. The Isolate kind is the more expensive one because it's more pure and get's to the…
  • I find it odd almost everyone bad mouths the smith machine. It's great for someone starting out or doing squats and bench pressing. The machine allows the person to keep a lined form and work the actual muscles needed for the exercise. With natural free weights you are limited to squatting in just one position while the…