raulafanador Member


  • Good luck! Having that extra motivation from others definitely helps me in keeping on track.
  • If your goal is to get lean then you are definitely going to want to focus on aerobic activities such as running, biking, swimming, etc. Lifting weights, while a good supplement to aerobic activity, does very little in torching fat. Same thing with body weight exercises. Average calorie burn for 1 push up is somewhere in…
  • Ah why not? 22 years old 5'8 i exercise 5 to 6 times a week consisting of calisthenics and running. Im 167 now with a goal weight of 155. Twin me.
  • Added. The more motivators the better! Add me all!
  • Hey go ahead and add me! Im all about team encouragement. That goes for all!
  • Hey man add me if you like, we actually have the same goal weight so it would make for some motivating friendly competition.
  • Im always looking for fellow motivators to add to my group! Feel free to add if you'd like. Good luck on your goals!
  • Not really that beneficial to weigh in every day, as your weight can vary greatly depending on your diet and how much fluids youve retained from the day prior. I suggest weekly weigh ins, so you can track your gains or losses with more accuracy. Also when you do weigh in, obviously do it soon as you wake up.
  • Hey man im new to the forums as well, although ive been doing the mfp thing for a while now. Add me if you like i need some motivational people in my friends list. Same goes to anyone else here!
  • Go ahead and add me man, the more support the better! Same goes for everyone else!
  • Im going to agree with josstuff on the paleo "fad". There is no substitute for good old fashioned clean eating and exercise. People get so wrapped up in fad diets and and other weight loss secrets, when weight loss is as simple as calories in vs. Calories out. Your first step is, find your basal metabolic rate (bmr). Say…
  • Just piggybacking on what most have already said, 1 to 2 lbs a week is an ideal number, although if you are having trouble maintaining that diet, consider eating more, maybe 1700-1800 calories per day and doing cardio 5-6 times a week for 30 mins or more, rather than 3 times a week. In my opinion that level of activity is…
  • Weight loss is simple. The hard part is committing to your lifestyle changes for good. There are 3500 calories in a pound of fat so in order to lose a pound of fat in a week you would have to burn that many more calories than what you ingest that week. Now as to how many calories you should eat per day is dependent on many…