i want to cry



  • It might help to find a counselor to talk to. I'm not saying you need a therapist- I REALLY want to emphasize that. However, I think there is a deficit in society of people developing the coping skills to get through tough situations. This diet/ exercise program you've put yourself on seems to have caused you some strife. A counselor would be able to help you develop the stress coping skills so you don't find yourself in this situation again. You'll know how to move past it and continue on your fitness path.

    I only say this because this is what I've done in the past.

    There is NOTHING wrong with therapy! I've been talking to someone for over a year and I've never felt so optimistic and in control of my life....in my life.

    Also OP: you have to be kind to yourself. If you beat yourself up over a small loss, you'll never get there. You have to embrace any loss and if you want more, believe in yourself and go get more. Also maybe up your intake. Make sure you're not putting your body in starvation mode. You'll get there. You got this!
  • mteague277
    mteague277 Posts: 145 Member
    The biggest step in my life style change was knowing I will have bad days, and even binge, but to pick up the next day and move on. Also, 1-2lbs/week is ideal for losing and keeping it off!
  • mstrhck
    mstrhck Posts: 5 Member
    Stand back from your actions and think. Your problem is not with eating. You are unhappy. You need to figure out how to change from being unhappy to happy. There is a reason why you are punishing yourself and you need to figure it out and get past it. I wish you the best because I had to do the same thing. I can tell you I did figure it out and my life changed overnight.
  • raulafanador
    raulafanador Posts: 18 Member
    Just piggybacking on what most have already said, 1 to 2 lbs a week is an ideal number, although if you are having trouble maintaining that diet, consider eating more, maybe 1700-1800 calories per day and doing cardio 5-6 times a week for 30 mins or more, rather than 3 times a week. In my opinion that level of activity is more ideal for maintaining weight than losing it. You need to kick it up a notch so you can afford to eat the extra calories i mentioned above.