

  • I know I struggle with the same problems. What has helped me is to call it "lifestyle changes" and focus less on the term "diet". Also, I find that for me, weighing in weekly is a trigger so try to do it every other week. Anything you can do to take your mind off of it is helpful when you start to feel that hopeless…
  • I'd say forgive yourself and move can't take back what you said and never meant for it to be repeated to her husband. There have been times I've listened so long to so much, I'd have said the same thing. As for worrying about what he thinks, I'd guess he's got so many other things on his mind he either isn't…
  • It is frustrating. I went on vacation and gained 3 lbs. in about a week. Not sure why~guess I thought I'd enjoy things more if I ate everything I missed! Slower weight loss is usually better for your body and habits. I try to remember it took a while to put it on, will take a while to take it off. Good luck to all~
  • Hi~I just joined MFP yesterday. Had been on WW for close to a year and it just didn't work for me as well. I'm a good bit older than most of those who've posted here at 48, but have many of the same goals. This site has given me 1400 calories a day, which seems high. I also exercise a lot and am trying to get 8 pounds off.…