sheepotato Member


  • Ignore this, I didn't read the other comments to the thread before posting.
  • Tidy up or cook a meal, you'd be surprised how many steps you take while cooking.
  • Sometimes supporting means people is giving them a safe place to rant about things that annoy them so they can vent their frustration instead of bottling them up. It's not hurting the anonymous woman at the gym. Your post degrades it's target audience, that seems a lot more intentionally harmful.
  • If most of your sugar is coming from fruit, don't bother tracking sugar. You can change what you track here: Going over on sugar is not going to slow weight loss. Your macros and micros are there to give you an idea of how balanced your diet is, meeting them is a good idea but it do…
  • I suggest picking up a copy of 'New rules of lifting for women.' It's full of useful information for beginners and it has 3 stages of routines. There's a group on here for it.
  • There are things you can get away with as a child or teen that catch up with you after puberty. Nutritional needs for adults are different, I'm guessing you are in your early 20's?
  • If you manually set your goals based on your TDEE then you can ignore your exercise calories. Or if don't want them to show up and adjust your calorie goal. You can write your exercise under the notes section of your exercise log. That…
  • Coconut water has electrolytes, it's 46 calories an ounce but you could get a resealable container and only drink as much as you needed each day. If it tastes wretched then you are hydrated, if it tastes absolutely delicious then you need to drink more (and more water.)
  • It depends on how accurately accounted for your activity level is. Example where you would eat back your calories: If you work a desk job and have your activity level set to sedimentary and have an aggressive calorie restriction, then you will want to log and eat back your exercise calories. (If you are not on target for…
  • Your TDEE will help you figure out how many calories you need to restrict per day to reach a deficit of 3500 calories, but it has no effect on the deficit needed. Your TDEE - 500c per day x 7 days = 3500c deficit per week.
  • If you are looking for a food based source you could try adding pea protein powder to your diet. I was getting sick from the iron supplement I was taking and noticed that my protein powder has 35% of RDA of iron per scoop. (I use Now Foods unflavored.) If you decide to go this route smoothies are nice because you can…
  • I love seeing couple success stories. Good job both of you!
  • I'm curious what a food score is too.
  • I meant gain weight of any consequence, not all scales show fractions of a pound. I was trying to say that the slightly over 1/7th of a pound she would have gained would not even show up on the scale even if she did nothing to get back on track for the week. I suppose if she ate over one day a week she would see an extra…
  • There are so many more teas than just your standard black tea. Yerba mate or green tea are higher in caffeine if don't like coffee. Chai and Thai teas are good if you still have the liquid calories to waste, but the mixes can be high in sugar. You can get tea bags and brew your own and use milk or almond milk instead of…
  • The only way you can gain weight in one day is if you eat 3,500 calories over your maintenance for the day. Eat a little bit under for a few days or do a little extra cardio and you will be fine.
  • I always try to skip a machine if I can help it. Not only do I like to have my personal space but it can get hot quickly when I get packed in between two people. Strong smells make it worse. Not to be indelicate but if you plan to breath heavy for half an hour to two hours maybe consider brushing your teeth or at least…
  • I 'officially' weighed myself once a week. I picked first thing Sunday morning (before I had eaten anything) and tried to wear the same outfit each time so there was less margin for error. No matter what the scale said I would log it and wait until the next week to see where I was. I still looked at the scale on other days…
  • Both you and your "dude arms" look amazing. Great job!
  • They are so yummy together, I like to scramble them and add nutritional yeast for extra flavor/protein.
  • I have two of these so I can put one in the fridge to cool while I'm drinking out of the other. I prefer glass because I don't like the plastic taste of plastic water bottles. My husband has the same bottles in a different color so we don't get ours mixed up.
  • I'm still 5 weeks away from being a mom but you can add me if you'd like. There's a mom group here:
  • Red beans and rice, you can make a giant pot very cheaply (I usually only put in one sausage and half a chicken breast per 6 servings and it still feels 'meaty') and refrigerate or freeze the servings cheaply and it's very filling. Also Chili, sometimes I make it without ground beef (or chicken if it's white chili) and…
  • Chicken Breast, ground turkey, greek yogurt, eggs, peas, lentils, quinoa, black beans, cheese, chickpeas, broccoli, cocoa powder. If you are not allergic to seeds chia, pumpkin, poppy, sesame, sunflower.
  • I let my weight creep up over several years while I was in college working a desk job. I wanted to do something about it but didn't know what to do. When I found MFP and realized how simple the weight loss process actually is that was the end of it for me. Now that I know what to do, it's just a matter of doing it.
  • Some people swim with a snorkel to increase their lung capacity. I don't know how effective it is, I tried it out but I couldn't use it because I'm so accustomed to blowing air out of my nose as soon as my face enters the water. Yeah, just keeping with it will definitely help.
  • Look over this thread, it's explained pretty well.
  • I got a cheap one from Target about 3 years ago, it's still kicking so I haven't bothered trying to find a 'good' one to replace it. Look for one with a tare and unit conversions. If it's battery powered remember to turn it off afterward and the battery will last for ages.
  • There's a group for moms here Congratulations on your upcoming wedding.