jpdanh Member


  • @missjeanlouis What's your training routine like? If you're keeping the low deficit, maybe you can do more at the other end of the spectrum with workouts? @aedreana Great job! Keep it up. I, too, finally finished losing the 10lbs I was aiming at. I'm now working on losing a little more fat and maintaining muscles. Just a…
  • Welcome, welcome! I believe our very own changsofa does SL5x5. Personally, I do PPL with the big 3 lifts split over those three days. I eat at a deficit. In the beginning, I had great noob gains. Now it's just chugging along slowly. I'm sure it's because I'm not eating enough to give my muscles the energy it needs to grow,…
  • Thanks for sharing! I have something to play around with later...(I like to practice poses that look like fun...I know it's not the right way, but it's fun >___> ).
  • Sweet! What's that one called? Do you set it up like crow/crane and then extend?
  • Great job! Girls can lift too!
  • Hey there - that's awesome about your deadlift. Grats! First off, what's your goal? If you're training to get stronger, then you should be eating more. If you're trying to lose weight (cut fat and maintain/build a little muscle), 1200 is not bad. Most of us here are eating around 1200, myself included. I'm on a cut, but I…
  • Holy mother of beastly strength, that is awesome! I actually love manual labor when it needs doing...I get lost in the repetitive task (I chop a lot of bamboo in the gardens of my school). Definitely the training. Don't sweat it. I'm on 71 days of tracking and down 7lbs from 130.8 in April this year - it's a slow process…
  • For the most part, I eat whatever fits my calorie budget. I do lean toward getting more protein whenever I can (though I don't always hit my protein goals), but I'm not strict. I had an eating disorder in my teens and so I know going to extremes is very dangerous for me mentally - I let myself eat what I want within…
  • I've been doing Push Pull Legs for over three months and eating at a deficit (my goal is to cut fat while maintaining/maybe building muscle). I started to really notice the results about 2 months in. Even though the scale was ever, ever, ever so slowly going down, I could see that the fat had thinned out and my muscles…
  • That's a really cute gallery! Also, I ****ing love cookies. Chocolate Digestives are the ****. Edit: I didn't know MFP sensors you...
  • I post my fitness related stuff on - going to follow ya.
  • I'm an Adidas/Nike freak. I tend to binge buy on their sites from time to time. My favorite shirts: Adidas Deep Boyfriend Vs: For the summer, tanks are a must, though (especially when I do the…
  • Starvation mode is a myth. You get to starvation mode when you're literally starving; i.e. wasting away. It was "popularized" after the Minnesota Starvation Experiment where the subjects were put at 50% of their normal calorie intake. You shouldn't worry about starvation mode.
  • That sounds really awesome. Thanks for sharing.
  • I want to like beer...but it's hard. I'm slowly acquiring the taste - so far Yeungling and Amstel are ok.
  • In order to control myself, I normally plan out my cheat meals. It usually (not always) falls on a weekend and I know we're going out to the movies or I make sure my morning/lunch is small and tight to make room for what I'll eat later. It's a bit controlling, but it helps.
  • Man...we used to drink here in the office on the daily. And I mean straight scotch/whiskey shots whenever I decided to get up and rouse the other guys (small office here with three other men - start up life). When I started to get a little more serious with my healthier lifestyle, I watched Sugar: The Bitter Truth and…
  • Thanks - I think I'll look into getting one soon.
  • Oh, cool. Do you wear it for all of your fitness activities? Is it comfortable? My uncle has one and I've been thinking about getting it, but not sure.
  • Personally, I eat back conservatively. I try to underestimate calories burned and overestimate foods without labels (or if I don't have my food scale). My daily calorie intake is 1200 and since I'm also trying to conserve/build as much muscle, I need dat protein. I'm finding success in this and can finally start to see abs…
  • You can do it. I used to have a very poor way of handling stress that involved more harm to myself - I would suggest finding something that can keep you busy during these times. For me, working out has always been a constant stress reliever, and more recently, art.
  • Love that video! I saw it awhile ago and then lost it - thanks for sharing. :)
  • It all really depends on you and what helps keep you on the right track. On weekdays I workout fasted in the mornings and have a protein shake and maybe a protein bar afterwards. At work, I'll have a normal lunch, and then most nights I train again in the evenings, so I'm busy and not thinking of food. Weekends, if I eat…
  • Wow - should add to the Motivation list: You Ladies!
  • I prefer rice protein powder in my shakes - have you tried them? This is the one I get:
    in Challenges Comment by jpdanh June 2014
  • Great idea. I want to be more flexible to help with my martial arts, lifting, and yoga. Recently, I've been challenging myself to stretch every day for about 30 minutes. This feeds into my next challenge of getting some cool acro yoga poses in. I recently got crow and side crow (though, they need more work). Working on…
    in Challenges Comment by jpdanh June 2014
  • No problem. Just takes time, patience, and perseverance. You can get there! This is something else I always keep in mind:
  • Ha - no worries. Nothing wrong with that. :P
  • Me too! Love the photos on instagram, but /r/hardbodies is my go to for inspiration. They have so much dedication to reach their goals. I really admire that.