

  • Hey, I'm a high school Chemistry teacher (who has been dumped into doing Physics and Biology along the way). We only get 35 minutes for lunch, and we are expected to do detentions for 15 mins of that. Lunches I have tried are just a slim fast shake (quick and easy, even when a kid is in the room), smoked salmon and extra…
  • Cropped up in my "recently commented" bit, and hit comment. Sometimes things get dragged up - people go searching for old tips I guess or computer software forgets that time has moved on.
  • Excess water varies day to day - if you drink a pint of water then weigh yourself you'd be about a pound heavier. Any diet tip which relies on getting rid of excess water is crap unless you want to drop a couple of pounds for a couple of days. Also, stop kicking out at vegetables which are not produced organically. There's…
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