

  • start actively watching the protein amounts on your snacks and from what I find the rest tends to fall into place, as long as you avoid things like Protein bars, which typically are just as high if not higher in carbs than protein. Greek yogurt and low-fat cottage cheese are my go-to snacks. Also I will hard boil a dozen…
    in Protein Comment by pelkins February 2014
  • Its going to vary by person obviously, I found what works best for me is to keep under 125g/day or about .5g/lb. I shoot more for the overall macro balance than the number itself. As you eat more protein you will need to intake more carbs to match. I work to stick to 30% Carbs / 45% Protein / 25% Fats
  • Try to stick to places that offer nutritional guidelines, as mentioned above. I travel quite frequently for work and I try to utilize the evening downtime (without all the distractions of home) to get really solid workouts in. What else am I going to do? For the hotel breakfasts, be careful to not overload on Carbs. When I…
  • Its a power balance, dilemma with Beer is that its largely just empty calories. Some brews of which tip the 400 calorie mark for 16 oz. Best piece of advice I can give is on my beer drinking days I try to eliminate most of my other sources of carbs throughout the day and eat very lean protein heavy that day. Lots of…
  • at my worst I was 389lbs at 5'11''. This equated to a 56" waist.