The epic struggle of good beer

So one of the few me things I get to do it home brewing. I like to brew and share it with others. I just started winging my own recipes and am excited about it. Recently I brewed a batch (contential pilsner) and it is like a potato chip, you cant have one. Now drunkenness isnt the goal and doesnt happen, but I gained a lot of weight back since this batch is done. So to all my fellow beer lovers out there I have a idea and I am going to bounce it off of you.

Have beer once a week follow by a day of purging and increase exercise through out the week. Thoughts?

For those who are tempted to put "give up beer", don't. :)


  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Get fat?
  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
    eat less on the day your gonna drink, that's the irresponsible thing i do.
  • latewinter
    aaaand i just don't drink at all. i dont understand why people drink beer in the first place i don't think it tastes nice at all lol but who am i to complain i think im probabiles allergic to it last few times i only had half a pint i threw up all night hahaha. although whisky on the other hand (only expensive yamazaki) it freaking deliciuos

    aaand this has nothing to do with anythin so ill leave now haha
  • DarkestTimeline
    So one of the few me things I get to do it home brewing. I like to brew and share it with others. I just started winging my own recipes and am excited about it. Recently I brewed a batch (contential pilsner) and it is like a potato chip, you cant have one. Now drunkenness isnt the goal and doesnt happen, but I gained a lot of weight back since this batch is done. So to all my fellow beer lovers out there I have a idea and I am going to bounce it off of you.

    Have beer once a week follow by a day of purging and increase exercise through out the week. Thoughts?

    For those who are tempted to put "give up beer", don't. :)

    I think there are enough people here struggling with eating disorders that it doesn't need to be encouraged.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    How about just working room into your calories to enjoy 2 a night?

    Same problem. I'm a beer snob. I can't drink any domestic light beer, worst case scenario going out with friends, I get a Newcastle or Sam Adams and they aren't low in calories.

    We just brewed a vanilla porter for Christmas and it's time to bottle them. I'm restricting myself to one day a week, though my fiance will likely drink a 1 or 2 a night.

    Gotta find the balance, no need to give them up.

    ETA: I somehow missed the purging part but.... NO.
  • pelkins
    Its a power balance, dilemma with Beer is that its largely just empty calories. Some brews of which tip the 400 calorie mark for 16 oz. Best piece of advice I can give is on my beer drinking days I try to eliminate most of my other sources of carbs throughout the day and eat very lean protein heavy that day. Lots of chicken or fish, lower in calories, filling, high in protein and virtually no carb intake.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Adjust overall caloric intake to acommodate the beer. My husband is a home brewer....enjoys his brews (and those of other craft brewers) regularly. He hasn't gained any of the 30 lbs he lost 2 years ago back. And, I don't struggle holding my wieght loss while enjoying a beer or two. You just have to adjust accordingly.
  • alienrite
    alienrite Posts: 314 Member
    I do long cardio sessions on days I know I'll be drinking. Earning 1,100 calories goes a long way to balancing out some barley pop. The idea of off-setting large calorie days with light calorie days is a valid way to live and lose weight if you track your total calories on a weekly basis. MFP updated their app which shows where you're net calories are for the last 7 days. I would rather see you save up for a splurge rather than paying it back. Too often, the payback gets delayed or forgotten. Intermittent Fasting is the formalization of this kind of program. There are lots of resources on the WWW

    PS: I lost my 60+ lbs drinking beer two or so times a week but always in balance with my other calories and activity level. It is one of the reasons I workout so much. :)
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I like good beer, too! Personally, I'd rather save the calories and splurge on something quality, rather than suck down a couple awful, watery, light, commercially-made beers. Sorry... Michelob Ultra is NOT beer.

    I'm not telling you to give beer up, but you should probably limit it to one a day. Even though you said you can't just have one, you CAN if you try!

    I usually have one beer with dinner 2-3 nights a week. Then on either Friday or Saturday, I'll do a double workout and earn enough calories that I can have two beers when I'm out with friends in the evening.

    I finished my weight loss effort a couple years ago, and have found I'm able to make the beer fit and still maintain my weight/fitness level.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    We just brewed a vanilla porter for Christmas and it's time to bottle them. I'm restricting myself to one day a week, though my fiance will likely drink a 1 or 2 a night. .

    VANILLA PORTER! That's one of my favorites! I try them whenever I see them - Stone's Smoked Porter w/ Vanilla (like bottled s'mores!) and one made by a little craft brewery near my house (Three Brothers Barrel-Aged Vanilla Elementary Porter) are my favorites.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Extra 30 minutes of cardio = 1 good beer. As long as you're not being a pansy about the cardio.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    This is a huge red flag for possibly a alcohol dependency concern. You are willing to eat less/purge/whatever just to have beer...sounds like you love beer more than yourself.
  • elmr34
    elmr34 Posts: 32 Member
    Another beer snob here... I usually have extra time to exercise on Saturday and save calories for a beer. On other nights, if I really want a beer I save some calories and have a beer instead of my normal nightly ice cream.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I'm sorry, did you say purging?
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Nothing so extreme is even remotely necessary. Just cut out some other carbs and make room in your caloric budget.
  • battybecks
    battybecks Posts: 147 Member
    "Will hula hoop for beer"

    "Will not purge for ANYTHING"
  • DavidSTC
    DavidSTC Posts: 173 Member
    I've grown quite fond of craft beer. I have one almost every evening with my dinner. I've lost a total of 32 pounds in the past two years, and I never gave up beer. Instead of drinking to get drunk, I drink to enjoy the beer. And, craft beer goes very well with food. Now, my thing is trying to pair beer and food. I have a great local craft beer shop that sells a Pick 6 so you can mix and match. Love to have a variety. Since I've started using MyFitnessPal, I've been better able to cut out other calories during the day to allow for my beer.

    Now ... confession. I sometimes enjoy extra beer on the weekend. That's where I have to be really careful.
  • markbr63
    markbr63 Posts: 1 Member
    Friday night is craft beer and pizza night for me. Two beers, and a lot less pizza than I used to eat.
    Tonight is Narwahl, Last week was Surly Darkness. Mmmmm.
    On Monday through Friday at work, when the donuts and cookies and bagels make their appearance, it is easier to say "no" when I have Friday night to look forward to. I would rather have a couple good beers once a week, even though it slows the weight loss. Worth it!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Cant beat a nice pint of Kronenbourg 1664.

    (Ew, all those horrible chemicals!!)
  • tomspearsix
    tomspearsix Posts: 31 Member
    Do you micro brew or do 5 gallon batches? One beer a week, unless you are giving most of it away will take you over a year to drink one 5 gallon batch. From one home brewer to another, you can drink you beer and still lose weight. You just need to make sure you either eat less that day or work out a little longer. I think beer smith has a feature that will let you calculate the caloric and nutritional value of recipes. I could be wrong since I do not own it myself though.