scuba8781 Member


  • Yes! I've gained almost an inch in each of my legs in about 8 weeks of doing convict conditioning. I've also lost about 1.5% BF in those 8 weeks. I'm still too fat to notice gains elsewhere, but I know it's happening underneath that layer of fat! This is all while maintaining a slight deficit using MFP. For reference, I'm…
  • I have to agree with the comments about proper form. When you strike heel-toe, that impact goes through your entire leg. When you run, try to strike fore-foot or mid-foot. This will allow the soft pads of your feet to absorb that shock instead of the rest of your leg. You should be able to do this in your regular shoes,…
  • Try this recipe. It's full of healthy fats and nutrients. I make this recipe as defined, but cut it into 16 bars. One of my bars is about 330 calories. I usually have one at night after I enter my calories and find I'm short. It's also delicious. I started eating this after someone else here on MFP posted it.…
  • Try this one - its delicious and no-bake!
  • This is delicious - - but not healthy in the slightest. My go-to is olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and smoked paprika, roasted at 400 degrees for about 25 minutes. As others have said, this method is great for doing…