

  • I've been there, done that. It takes time for your body to adjust to normal eating habits. Think of all you've done to it! I thought it would never happen, but yes! my metabolism is normal once again. I agree with eating smaller, more frequent meals. It'll help your metabolism and keep your energy up. Don't get frustrated…
  • Can you do stairs?
  • I've done a TM plus a slew of Spartans. For the TM, I don't think there is much in particular you need to do aside. One thing I suggest is to get used to running/walking up steep hills. I don't know much about TM's, but the one I did was on a mountain - as are all the Spartans I do, save for the Staten Island one, which…
  • I'm going to guess probably not. My story is I am pretty thin but can't get rid of the stretched out, "extra" skin on my stomach (I've had 3 kids and obviously I have "unforgiving" skin"). There are obvious muscles beneath this mess, but no matter what I do, I have extra, hangy skin. I'm thinking surgery would be the only…
  • Are you a competitive body builder? Need to lose weight in a hurry for a specific reason? Doing this diet for a medical condition? If you answered no to all of those questions, then why not form good eating habits and eat healthily and sensibly? I just don't "get" specific diets like that. Unless used for a very specific…