

  • Hi MagsGraz - A friend of mine showed me a new app. for watching calories etc When I looked at it I realized that I belonged to this site - even though I haven't looked at it for ages. I see you are still loosing. Congratulations! Hopefully I am back - for a while - I have gained another kilo ( probably nore) Need to loose…
  • Hi Sophia. Yes you can! Some vitamins are water soluable like B and C and the body will get rid of what you don't need but some are fat soluable and the body stores what you don't need. Only take the recommended dose. Too much iron for instance can make you feel worse than not enough. Hope that helps!
  • Looks like you had better not give up. Just look how many people will be watching now and cheering you on! Stay strong and if you feel down maybe take a bubble bath or give yourself a non food treat... movie perhaps?
  • Hi Just remember that the less you eat, the more your body will become clever at storing energy. I will be eating any extra I get so my body doesn't go into "starvation mode" Look it up! You need to keep your metabolism going. Keep to the 1200 for the week if you want and then eat the extras - just a suggestion. GOOD LUCK!
  • Hi Graham I'm an Aussie but my husband is from Liverpool and we have friends living here from Heswell ( is that the right spelling?) Good luck with your goals. It's a bit easier here cos it's summer - lots of salads lol
  • Most cups - eg for cooking, mean 250ml Cheers
  • In the Blue Mountains! Don't know how long I will last on 1200 cals. Got to give it a go! Hardest thing is having to give up my glass of wine at night!