

  • Thank you Ribbon. That's what I am looking forward to.
  • Thank you, wannabpiper. I will look that book up.
  • I was going to mention the protein powder as well. Years ago, I would do a protein shake after a workout and do just fine. I re-started some about a year ago and Holy Bloat Batman. I stopped them and the bloat went away. I asked my doctor about it and she said since i am lactose intolerant, the whey and lactose in the…
  • Thanks. I am proud of myself for quitting. It was time. A few years ago, I was an athlete. I ran, I lifted, I pushed my body. And I hurt myself. I found other ways to get fitness in. Then life happened and I found my drinking increasing. I'm turning 37 in 2 days and a few weeks ago I just looked at myself and said "You can…
  • Way to go!! I'm on Day 11 and you are right, it's not always easy, but oh, is it worth it!
  • I used to be big, then I got really thin and now I'm working on losing about 25 lbs I have gained. I notice now that I've gained weight, I get the "full body eye scan" from other women. I HATE IT!!! I also notice that my favorite clothing store, when I was thinner, they would meet me at the door and show me the new items…
  • I love that quote "She woke up one day and threw away her excuses" It really does come down to that doesn't it? You look amazing. And it's so much more than physical. You glow. You are very inspiring. Keep it up.
  • Congratulations!! 5 lbs is awesome!! And, if you're like me, any loss is a huge motivator to keep going!
  • My only question about appetite suppressants is what does the person do when the medication stops working and their appetite returns in full force? While on the drug, they never learned to recognize natural hunger cues and how to differentiate between boredom, thirst and true hunger. Part of making a lifestyle change for…
  • DancingMoosie, thank you for the suggestion of Pilates. I used to do Pilates a lot. I need to get the dvd's out again. :) And regarding the guidance of a physio or trainer, I agree. I know my regular doctor recommended Yoga and gave me some stretches to do and said No Running. The No Running part broke my heart when I…
  • Years ago, when I was still married, my ex-husband I were going to a company Christmas party. My mom had bought me a really nice outfit and I felt so pretty. On the drive there, my now ex-husband was acting weird. I asked him what was wrong and he said he was embarrassed to be seen with me. I was mortified. Years later, I…
  • You look great. Congratulations. Feel free to add me if you want. I am new to MFP but lost 70 lbs a few years ago and I'm now working to lose some of the weight I put on. As for office lunches, I would do wraps (turkey, spinach, avocado), hummus and carrots, salads, soups, grilled chicken wraps or add it to salads, tuna…
  • You look great. I have friends who have done INsanity and they say that you see the most results in Month 2. So be prepared.
  • Our bodies are very good at getting used to what we are doing and not making changes. You need to switch things up. Try a new workout or push harder in what you are doing. Also, how is your caloric intake? Making simple adjustments just to "shock" the body can really help push through a plateau.
  • I did the wrap last year before a trip to New Orleans. I did everything right and gained about 3 inches and was so bloated on my trip, I didn't post any pictures of me. I reacted badly. When I called the distributor about it, she said I must have too many toxins in my body and I need to stop ingesting junk (?????). So yes,…
  • I readjusted my miles for July down to 80. That seems more doable and if I go over, I will be ecstatic and not disappointed if I don't reach 150 miles. I'm at 2-2.5 miles most days and hope tobe up to 3 miles 6 days a week next week.
  • Thank you everyone for such warm welcomes. You are so right about the mental thing. When I lost the weight before, it was so much a mental thing. When I ran, I would envision myself reaching a goal: Crossing a finish line, placing in a race, etc. The one thing I always go back to is that when I started running, it wasn't…
  • Congratulations on the 15 lbs. I know what a feat that is. I just joined a few days ago and I am excited to have MFP as a part of my support.
  • I'm new here. My goal for July is 150 miles.