papalito Member


  • My wife just signed up for MFP- the first step. She knows LCHF would be hard at first. She's using metformin so this might be the next step?
  • Please add me I'm doing Modified Atkins and rather than eat prepared Atkins stuff would like to see what others do
  • Hi I just started the traditional Atkins diet 1/1 as a trial run. I meet the neurologist on 2/13 who'll tell me what officially do. I'm trying to think of questions for her. The one that's been bothering me most is general RDA info especially fats to get a better feel for the pie chart
  • Since I was diagnosed and could've exercise like I used too and became depressed over not eating my attempts at dieting have failed. Despite the fact that I have to walk everywhere. I suspect this is because I've been eating junk and as soon as I try to exercise I have seizures more often due to the physical stress on my…
  • Hi I'm Manuel I have complex partial seizures and as a result of many factors need help getting back on track. Fear of seizures and exercise which when done intensely or getting too hot cause auras. Emotional depression from not driving and waiting for a temporal lobectomy after a VNS implant showed a seizure increase made…
    in Hi Comment by papalito August 2013
  • Hola Soy Manuel, y he estado usando MFP por 30 Dias hoy. Lo estoy usando junto al Fitbit Flex para poder mejor a mi salud. hasty pronto
    in ¿Hola? Comment by papalito July 2013
  • I used the arms on the elliptical for all but one minute of my workout.
  • Starling01 Your situation reminds me of how mine was before it got worse. I mainly have temporal lobe seizures and because of how bad they'd gotten had to stop work and go onto disability after my VNS didn't work. Healthwise my drug cocktails see effects include exhaustion and I gained about 50 lbs during the worsening…
    in Epilepsy Comment by papalito July 2013
  • Hola tod@s Soy Manuel y nací en Durango, México. Actualmente vivo aqui en Chicago, Illinois. Soy nuevo aquí y solo me inscribí porque mi hermano me dio un FitBit para anotar mis pasos y forma de dormir y si se usa con este sitio es mejor. Mi meta es perder 40 libras y bajar el porcentaje de gordura del cuerpo a 20%. ¡Hasta…
  • Operation Osmin's Osmin Hernandez. I'm never going to be able to eat just fish, salad and water by to have his enthusiasm for fitness and eliminating all the junk food and laziness in his helping transform others to have a better outlook for their health.
  • To fit into my Wedding Ring again. I had it resized several times when I yo-yo'ed and finally I just started wearing my claddaugh ring that s starting to feel loose. also to fit into my old clothes and never by these sizes again like I also did while yo-yo'ing