sistersoe Member


  • I'm excited for all of you. It is the greatest having support from MFP friends and knowing you are not out there alone. I have made friends here that crack me up reading their messages. Take that big deep breath and float away to your happy place...woo sahh B)
  • oh yeah about those sucky vitamins...I also take the Caltrate 600+D3 chocolate truffle, told my surgeon on my last post-op visit, taste like tootsie rolls, he laughed...I chew one after the nasty Flintstone Iron out of my mouth. I'm going for gummies next.
  • After getting into my own room after surgery, my daughter said I "shussed" age 83 little hard of hearing said "did she just shhh' us?" uhh we are not at a family reunion guys pipe down...we laugh about it now and have made it a joke. Ohh yeah, turn off TV and watch "Outback" commercials...helps…
  • Sending you a request now!!
  • :flowerforyou: Hi, I was sleeved on Friday 9/5/14, I'm getting better everyday as far as the pain...I am head hungry and I can't tell if my stomach is growling or gurgling from the new shaped stomach. What are you eating and drinking? It would be great to have someone new on the bench to share this journey. I'm off work…
  • Hi Miss Diamond. you are back home and everything is good. Did you have to do the liquid pre- op? How much weight have you lost?
  • Thank you for responding, You are right about getting out of the bed ASAP. I read in several blogs about taking gas x to the hospital and chap stick. I need some cheerleaders on MFP and pray everything will be okay. Yes please save me a spot on the bench. :bigsmile:
  • Pat, Where do you find the isopure flavor water drinks? I seen others post about Isopure but I cannot find it.
  • Thank you everyone for suggestions and preferences. There are so many products to choose and I will definitely shop for samples. I am looking up the Isopure Zero on Amazon. Any more suggestions please send my way. I am keeping a running list of essentials and surely within in the next two weeks something fandamtastic will…
  • Holy moly, you have lost 55 lbs in 9 weeks? you go girl.. I am having the sleeve too. I am really nervous... How long did it take to get back to driving, working supervisor almost stroked when I told her I may be off 2 weeks, she rewarded me with 3 new cases LOL, whatever.... So tomorrow is my big day with the…
  • :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: I'm new here too. Glad to be here to read all the great success stories. I am pre-op and very excited to hopefully have something to help me lose this other person I'm carrying around daily. All the diets I bought into and never cheated were unsuccessful. I walked till I wore out my hips and…