

  • Update: I have two days left on the the 3 week detox and I feel fantastic. I crave healthy foods and don't want to eat junk foods. I've been sleeping great and wake up buzzing with energy. Very few days with a mid afternoon slump too. My energy level is consistent throughout the day. Eczema on the back of my neck cleared…
  • I think I'm getting ready to give it a go. Doing a few days of transition eating to get ready right now. Whole foods from the "include" list, while I wean down my coffee, sugar and dairy. I cut gluten starting 2 days ago, and I can definitely feel the transition in my system. I feel a bit lightheaded/dizzyish, but heavy…
  • Hi Amy. You are inspiring and I have no doubt you can do it. I just started a renewed effort too. I don't have a large amount of weight to lose this time, but I it has been a long time since I have stuck to a plan and accomplished my goals, and I feel the same way about it this time. I am ready to do it right and stick to…
  • You can really see a difference. Keep working hard. It's paying off!
  • Blueberry banana smoothie 1 cup Frozen blueberries 1 banana enough unsweetened vanilla almond milk to just cover the fruit in the blender. (I use Almond Breeze brand. Very low cal, and the vanilla makes it taste rich) Blend to a sweet whippy perfection and enjoy through a straw. (Makes it seem more special :)
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