"Clean" Cleanse/Detox Program

VegGrrl Posts: 336 Member
Has anyone here done the "Clean" detox/cleanse from the book by Alejandro Junger? If so, what did you think about it?


  • runnermel
    runnermel Posts: 278
  • VegGrrl
    VegGrrl Posts: 336 Member
    Bump. Still wondering if anyone has done it and what they thought...
  • glowgirlie
    I think I'm getting ready to give it a go. Doing a few days of transition eating to get ready right now. Whole foods from the "include" list, while I wean down my coffee, sugar and dairy. I cut gluten starting 2 days ago, and I can definitely feel the transition in my system. I feel a bit lightheaded/dizzyish, but heavy headed at the same time (like I'm just on the verge of a headache). Don't know if it is because I had less caffeine or the absence of gluten, (I've had a little bit of sugar today and dairy yesterday). Nevertheless, I am feeling the changes. I plan on taking it easy and allowing myself some flexibility and a good balance of rest and movement. I've done lots of reading about it, and I am really looking forward to the positive results so many people report.
  • glowgirlie
    Update: I have two days left on the the 3 week detox and I feel fantastic. I crave healthy foods and don't want to eat junk foods. I've been sleeping great and wake up buzzing with energy. Very few days with a mid afternoon slump too. My energy level is consistent throughout the day. Eczema on the back of my neck cleared up. My "stiffness" upon waking is dramatically improved, and I've lost seven pounds with no change to my exercise routine. I will definitely keep eating "clean" long after this program officially ends for me. :)
  • CarlyC08
    Awesome! I'm on my 2nd day of that "transition" period. I'm starting an actual cleanse on Wednesday. I've been eating quite a bit, it's just all healthy, and no caffeine which is rough. Also, I've never been much of a cook, and I've been cooking all my own food! From scratch! But I'm a little anxious about the next 2 weeks, so if you have any advice, let me know!