KSBeautyintheBuff Member


  • "so chin up, put your shoulders back, walk proud, strut a little. don't lick your wounds. celebrate. the scars you bear are the sign of a competitor. you're in a lion's fight, Stevens. just because you didn't win doesn't mean you don't know how to roar." - Grey's Anatomy
  • without a shadow of a doubt...lol
  • I am pretty sure that gap will depend on your hips, but i would the think the only way to get that gap is by reducing body fat and building a lot of muscle. My legs are actually pretty small and I have a little fat where the gap would be and I personally don't think I would look healthy with a "gap"....I'd feel like a…
  • That's awesome girl! Not only in your progress but in your new found confidence, I love it! Congrats!!
  • I'm always looking for new motivating and supportive friends! Sending friend request now :)
  • I would agree with everyone that tracking your diet could be the problem. You have to really ask yourself, "how faithful have I been to my diet?" In the beginning we kind of have this sense of denial of following our plan because we just want to see result so badly that we blind ourselves from the truth. Having extra…
  • once you can accept that this is going to be a long process the easier and less frustrating it will be. You will definitely have your moments where you forget that, we all do, but you can't just make fat disappear. It didn't appear over night so it isn't going to go away any faster. Plus, you need to keep in mind you are…
  • I am so sorry to hear about your mother and the struggles you were facing the past few months. I can relate as 2012 was my rock bottom year and I allowed it to take a toll on my body and mind. I eventually turned it around and it sounds like you are in the right direction in getting back to a place of peace and comfort.…
  • Well congrats on not gaining weight. That is an accomplishment. But to answer your question...life will always get in the way. If you know ahead of time you can do your best to plan around certain things. Maybe you can't hit the gym because of house guest or maybe that means you get up a few hours earlier to go to the gym…
  • OP, first you know to figure out how you want to look and what makes you feel good in your own skin. You can't mold your body to what he wants because he will never be satisfied. First, you can't change genetics. I am puerto rican and I was born tall, with a lean like structure and no *kitten*. When I gain weight it goes…
  • Here is the thing, you have to get over the idea of "losing your *kitten*". The harsh reality is you probably have fat on your *kitten*. which means, when you lose fat you will lose your butt. This doesn't mean you are going to look like you just have a back and a crack but your butt may appear to look smaller. However,…
  • Hey ladies! I'm always looking for a support group. I recently decided to train for a bikini competition and it has been tough but I am almost there....6 weeks left to be exact! It has been a lot easier being around/talking to other people who have similar goals in trying to change their bodies and lifestyle! Please go and…
  • I am currently training for my first NPC bikini competition and I've been doing this for almost 3 months myself and I totally feel you. I literally have been craving carbs and almonds/cashews. I don't know what your diet looks like but if you have limited a lot of fat in your diet, like I have, your body starts to crave…