

  • Thanks all. I will check out intervals and try changing pace when I run. I don't think I will be raising intensity more and more, though. I don't feel that that's right for my body - not 17 any more plus want to stick to something that is sustainable. Guess I will have to watch my food more:(
  • Yes, I do get that feeling, Jillian:) What is HITT?
  • I weigh in every day - it helps me gage how I am doing and identify things that are working vs. not.
  • Hmm, controversial I see. Well, good thing winter is coming (never thought I would hear myself say that) and it will get tougher to run outside, so good reason to switch to P90X at home anyway:)
  • Thank you, everybody. My resistance training is yoga. I jog every other day and do vigorous yoga every other day - usually exercise every day. It sounds like most people think switching up would be effective. I will not switch away from yoga - it's a practice - but I do switch routine every time. As far as cardio, I am…
  • I do exercise during my period and don't really change much in my routine, except avoid too much ab work and inversions in yoga. That said my regular routing is not super strenious. I exercise every day but only for ~45 minutes a day, alternating jogging and vinyasa yoga.
  • It does for me. Absolutely.
  • Maybe that is not the way to go, but I disregard these warnings. If on some days I eat fewer calories - fine as there will likely be days when I exceed them. Plus if I eat something less than 3-4 hours before going to bed I gain weight no matter how I have done all day, so I do not compensate at night.
  • If by balanced diet you mean not overdoing it on the foods that don't benefit you, then a balanced diet is a start. A healthy diet is an end goal. For me at least, this is my perspective. There are foods that just don't benefit you but can do harm: refined sugar, soft drinks, poor quality packaged foods. Yes, it is OK to…
  • In response to all those recommending not dividing food into healthy and unhealthy: yes, for weight loss purposes it might not matter as long as you stay within the calorie range, but for health it, certainly, does. Depends on what the goal is. I would say health comes first, then weight.
  • So awesome, congrats! I have been jogging for a few years now, around 3 times a week, but somehow I plateaued out at my 2-3 miles and I feel like I am staying at the same stamina level and not progressing. Hmm...
  • I usually start with cutting out refined sugar/desserts, white flour (I don;t eat in anyway), white pasta - any refined carbs. Good luck!
  • Hi Runfree! Not sure if you are already doing this, but I have noticed that it not only matters what you eat but when you eat. For example, I try not to eat for 1 hour after exercise, to let the fat burn. Also, and this for me is critical, in the evening I have to eat at least 4-5 hours before going to bed, otherwise I…