

  • I suggest going to see your doctor. Talk to them about how you are feeling regarding your weightloss journey and your strategy as well. They'll be able to point you in the right direction and give you the motivation you need. We all feel like this sometimes. Don't give up :)
    in Struggling.. Comment by EmmyCD July 2013
  • You all look fantastic!
  • You are right, but it really has knocked me for six. I had lost 10lbs at this point (I lost 7lbs before coming here) and I was starting to feel good. After comments from those 3 people I just feel worthless and that this is pointless. He is a complete a-hole though and I do agree that I had a lucky escape. Thank you!
  • Mine is from yesterday. I started talking to a really nice guy online. I made him aware of my size, that I was losing weight and I was self-conscious about it. He said he didn't mind and he liked me for who I was anyway. I met with him and we went for coffee. He said he had left something in the car and ran to get it. He…