

  • Personally I would stay away from any 'diet drink' as it is full of chemicals and bad for you body. Water is best and has zero calories if that is what you are concerned about. Eat lots of vegetables, fruit ( Berries are good) and lean protein. I like putting in 2 cups of frozen raspberries in a big jug of water and let…
  • First off start doing a food journal. People who journal have a better chance of losing 50-80% of weight. Carry a little note pad around with you and jot down what you ate or drank during the day and then put it into a journal or on this web site. Eat every 3 hours to keep your metabolic rate working so you do not get the…
  • About eating every 3 hours. Keeping your metabolic rate at a constant rate will control your blood sugar as insulin is the fat storing hormone. By eating every 3 hours you keep your blood sugar in a even rate. Glucagon is the fat burning hormone. A good book to read is Healthy for Life by Dr. Ray Strand. American Medical…
  • Are you eating every 2 1/2 - 3 hours? Remember to eat a good protein with your meals and snacks.You need to eat half your weight in protein. Eat Low glycemic foods. Fruit is fine. Do you have Breakfast first thing when you wake up or do you have a snack, exercise and then breakfast? If you are losing inches it means your…