Why Am I Not Losing More?



  • Bellvillian
    Bellvillian Posts: 20 Member
    You're complaining about an 1.2 pound loss?! :grumble: You're not losing more because an average of a pound a week is terrific. If you want to lose more go on Biggest Loser, slash your calories, dehydrate, and work out 8 hours a day. Or be happy with your loss and the fact you live in reality.

    Nothing like a good *kitten* kicking. Thanks a bunch ;)
  • Bellvillian
    Bellvillian Posts: 20 Member
    You don't seem to have a lot to lose, so it's going to be slow. One to two pounds a week is health and you should congratulate yourself. When you lose one to two pounds a week you are learning new habits. This being a lifestyle change you want to concentrate on changing habits, being healthy, and not just what the scale says. There may be times where you don't lose anything but your clothes are fitting loser. That's an accomplishment. Don't be so hard on yourself. Revel in the accomplishments.

    I know what you mean about the clothes but for some reason I am totally fixated on the number going down. I hear you and I will adjust my thinking as I go but today for some reason it just feels crappy but I am losing and not gaining which is the best part. :)
  • Bellvillian
    Bellvillian Posts: 20 Member
    The closer you are to your goal, the slower the loss. If you are within your 'normal weight' for your height, just a 1/2 pound loss is great!

    Personally, I gain 2 pounds every month before TOM and I gain about 3 pounds when I start lifting or have sore muscles.

    I agree, as long as you are losing, take it as a win. You will go up and down...even when you have a perfect week, your hormones may make you come out a pound up. Just keep being honest w/ your diary. Use a good HR monitor (don't trust what the machines tell you). Make sure you aren't getting too low (I would completely stall and/or gain if my net dropped to 1,000 or less.

    Ok this is starting to make sense. Thank you. I am so impressed with all the big weight loss numbers. I wonder how you all do it and how long it took you. I will check out your profiles for inspiration.
  • Bellvillian
    Bellvillian Posts: 20 Member
    If you're honestly looking for opinions on what to change...

    pick one method and stick with it. MFP works. Stick with that. You don't have to count WW points, do miracle shakes, cut fruit.. etc.

    Just count your calories. everything. weigh your food, log everything. do this for 4.. 5.. 6 weeks or so. At the end of that time, if you're still losing, you're doing something right.

    But you've only logged 4 or 5 days in the last month as far as I could see. It isn't that you're doing anything wrong, obviously, if you're losing weight.. but it seems like you're just jumping around from one thing to the next.

    Its kind of like I am trying several things at the same time hoping that one will stick or a mixture of the best things will become my lifestyle. WW is for 10 weeks to get me focused and I have a feeling MFP will be my regular pal after that. Thank you.
  • Bellvillian
    Bellvillian Posts: 20 Member
    I don't know about you, but I don't care how the tracking system adds in your calories burned (daily exercise), into additional calories that you can consume in that particular day. I have the same weight loss issue as you...can't seem to drop any and just looking for 5-10 lbs. The theory of not eating enough totally scares me! One other theory I have is my sugar intake levels. I have recently quit eating fruits that are what I consider to be high in sugars...even apples are high in sugar! Will let you know if that helps. (Just started to read Sugar Busters by H. Leighton Steward, Morrison Bethea, Sam Andrews and Luis A. Balart).

    Yes, please keep me posted.
  • Bellvillian
    Bellvillian Posts: 20 Member
    Dont sweat it, weight loss takes a long time but chances are you are just fooled by the scale. You may be holding onto water weight and thats masking fat loss on the scale

    How do you convince your body to get rid of water weight? Suggestions :) Also, interesting profile pic. LOL
  • Bellvillian
    Bellvillian Posts: 20 Member
    Dude. I would jump up and down over a 1.2 pound loss.

    Ok, I am starting to get the picture. I should be happy. Thanks :)
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Like many before me who responded, I'd love to see a minus 1.2 lbs on a weekly basis. Some weeks there is no loss, I have to accept it. Some weeks I might lose more, other weeks I show a gain (and for the life of me, have no clue how it happened).

    If you're in this for the long haul, you've got to give it time and be patient. Weigh, measure & log everything, you get out what you put in but you have to give it time. You might not lose pounds but may lose inches. Hang in there and don't be so scale/number driven, you'll drive yourself nuts.
  • Quinn_Baker
    Quinn_Baker Posts: 292 Member
    The point is she feels like she should be losing more and she wants advice.

    I would chalk it up to water weight; my guess is that the next time you weigh you will have a greater loss! How much have you lost so far? As others have said
  • Are you eating every 2 1/2 - 3 hours? Remember to eat a good protein with your meals and snacks.You need to eat half your weight in protein. Eat Low glycemic foods. Fruit is fine.
    Do you have Breakfast first thing when you wake up or do you have a snack, exercise and then breakfast? If you are losing inches it means your body is changing to more muscle. Muscle weighs more.
    Another idea is to let your body rest from the losing weight cycle for 3-4 days.Eat regular healthy foods and moderate exercise. This fools the body into thinking this is the new normal. Then back onto the losing again.
    Be kind to your self as it is a journey to good health. Try some yoga or mediation.
    Cheers! Your Health is your Wealth!
  • About eating every 3 hours. Keeping your metabolic rate at a constant rate will control your blood sugar as insulin is the fat storing hormone. By eating every 3 hours you keep your blood sugar in a even rate. Glucagon is the fat burning hormone.
    A good book to read is Healthy for Life by Dr. Ray Strand.
    American Medical Association suggest that eating Low Glycemic is a life style and is best for losing weight.