I dont know what to do



  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Do you weigh all your food? Do you use a digital scale? The most common explanation is underestimating calories.

    Eating more calories won't help, for obvious reasons.

    Check this out:

    I could not agree more.

    Measure carefully.

    If you are quite a bit overweight - and it seems you are - you are also probably at least a little insulin resistant. If so, lowering the calories from carbs to 35% may help lot because it changes how your body stores fat. (See the book, Why We Get Fat, which summarizes this research). It did help me.

    Also . . . You lost a lot of weight. If you did it a pound or two at a time, MFP will not automatically reset your calories for you. You need to do it manually. Go back to the 'Goals' Tab in "My Home". Click on reset goals. Enter your current weight and ask it to recalculate. You will probably find it dropped your calories, because you are now thinner (congratulations!).

    Every time I got stuck those three things really helped. And stick with it. You can do it.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I am eyeballing my food choices, i dont have a food scale (i will get one shortly).

    I am recording everytihng i am eating and drinking.

    I could increase my water consumption and exerices, however,,,

    would eating more calories (like at maintenance level) like around 1900 be a good idea?) so that my body doesn't think it is starving.

    Or maybe i am over-estimating my calories and maybe i have been on under 1200 calories..

    maybe i need to go on a fast for a few days? or maybe do protein drinks? i dont want to do some crazy diet, but maybe i need to do something way different, but not sure what. im scared to experimenting because i am doing well by eating good choices of food.

    i dont know if i can trust my food diary here because what if i have been under and over estaimating my food choices?

    im about to go out and get some tacos and pizza because i've been eating what i thought were good choices and the scale has not moved.

    this is not right - 30 days at the same weight does not seem right. something is wrong.

    wonder if its the water pill working against me, but i have a little high blood pressure, i have a doc appt next week. i might have to make an appt with the nutritionist there too.


    Measure accurately. Until you get a scale, here's a visual guide: http://www.webmd.com/diet/printable/wallet-portion-control-size-guide

    Stick with the program. It will work. Gosh, you're doing great. It took much longer to lose my first 28 pounds!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    If you are stuck at the same weight (maintaining) for an extended amount of time, it means you ARE at maintenance. When I was guesstimating and "eyeballing" food, I found it was easy to go over my calories by hundreds a day! Get yourself a scale - I love mine! Most online BMR and TDEE calculators are just guesses, so it's possible that you are overestimating them and eating more than you need. Good luck!
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    If you are just eyeballing your food, no way are you tracking correctly. You must weigh your food, even measuring cups cannot be trusted. The scale is your best weapon to lose weight. Weight loss happens in the kitchen.

    I agree a scale is important. But when I looked at OP's diary, most of the foods were listed as, example: 1.5 links of sausage, 1 granola bar, 1 slice of cheese, 1 apple, 1 cup of chili, etc ~ food items that don't really require a scale IME. I understand cup measurements might not be perfect, but could they be off by so much it'd create a 30 day stall?

    Just wondering because I admit I don't use my scale religiously and than when I do seems I usually under estimate, but not by too much.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    >>>>>IMPORTANT!!! To get your numbers right please visit---> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/974889-in-place-of-a-road-map-short-n-sweet<---read the instructions. I lay everything out to help you have a true fat burning diet.<<<<<<<

    Do this.

    PM me any Qs.
    I'll get you on the right path.
  • larnsperger
    larnsperger Posts: 161 Member
    It's hard not to get frustrated. Eating crappy food won't help anything. I too would suggest a good food scale and measuring cups and spoons, log it ALL, the good the bad and the ugly! It's amazing how inaccurate eyeballing our food portions can be. I am 54 and can tell you losing weight was a slow process for me this time around. It is so important to drink water, daily that is something I do religiously. I take a water pill everyday and if anything it should help not hinder your scale losses. Be patient, eat more lean protein,eggs, tuna, chicken, green veggies, berries, almonds, avocados. Walking is the best exercise, 30 minutes a day to start can be a great way to get in the habit. Hang in there, it will get easier.
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    I am eyeballing my food choices, i dont have a food scale (i will get one shortly).

    I am recording everytihng i am eating and drinking.

    I could increase my water consumption and exerices, however,,,

    would eating more calories (like at maintenance level) like around 1900 be a good idea?) so that my body doesn't think it is starving.

    Or maybe i am over-estimating my calories and maybe i have been on under 1200 calories..

    maybe i need to go on a fast for a few days? or maybe do protein drinks? i dont want to do some crazy diet, but maybe i need to do something way different, but not sure what. im scared to experimenting because i am doing well by eating good choices of food.

    i dont know if i can trust my food diary here because what if i have been under and over estaimating my food choices?

    im about to go out and get some tacos and pizza because i've been eating what i thought were good choices and the scale has not moved.

    this is not right - 30 days at the same weight does not seem right. something is wrong.

    wonder if its the water pill working against me, but i have a little high blood pressure, i have a doc appt next week. i might have to make an appt with the nutritionist there too.

    you neeeeeed to but scales.
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    Great! It really does become second nature, to weigh your food.

    True this is, My scales NEVER get put away. They are the most important tool in my kitchen.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I am going to get the scale! in fact tomorrow after work will go to Target :)

    If you peeped at my food diary, i think some food has been ok and some not ok. This is the first time i outted my food diary so i feel kinda ashamed, i know some of you will think im eating badly.

    well this 6 weeks has been a bunch of good accomplishments, not necessarily the weight loss but in this 6 weeks i have made better food choices,,, but now,,,

    time to tweak it more! im sort of ashamed that i've been kinda goofing around by eyeballing the food and not being as accurate as i should have been.

    but i wont give up..
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    i have one question trying to figure this out - if i AM honestly recording my calories, if MFP sets me at 1700 calories a day (the numbers are green); am i to eat no more than 1700 or is that the least i should be eating? this is without exercise.

    I am interpreting the MFP numbers to mean i need to stay under 1700, (but not to go below 1200).

    im sorry if this was talked about earlier, as i've been here only a short time, and i just dont get it totally. i went to a TDEE calculator and its confusing to me.,,, and im an accountant!! sheesh..
  • grumpadon
    grumpadon Posts: 24
    I joined a gym. lost 16 pounds the first month and was stuck at a plateau for 3 months. I found I wasn't eating enough. 1500 calories. i'm 6'1" and weighed 290. working out 3x week for an hour and a half each time. also walking 1/2 hour a day. I was advised to up my calories and count macros instead of worrying about counting calories. this way, I would get a balance of the 3 rather than too much of one and not enough of the others. also....drink water. LOTS of water. I am now on 2000 calories, count my macros and drink between 10 to 15 8oz. glasses of water a day. i'm thru the plateau. 7 pounds in 5 days. I eat 4 or 5 small meals a day plus snacks and I come in under the 2000. whatever you decide to change. make them small changes, until you find the right one. good luck
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    >>>>>IMPORTANT!!! To get your numbers right please visit---> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/974889-in-place-of-a-road-map-short-n-sweet<---read the instructions. I lay everything out to help you have a true fat burning diet.<<<<<<<

    Do this.

    PM me any Qs.
    I'll get you on the right path.

  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    The MFP number is the target. Try to hit it everyday. Some would say what MFP calculates as your target is not ideal. I will let others speak to that.

    Do not be ashamed! We all have a starting point, and there is a learning curve. Good luck.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    i have one question trying to figure this out - if i AM honestly recording my calories, if MFP sets me at 1700 calories a day (the numbers are green); am i to eat no more than 1700 or is that the least i should be eating? this is without exercise.

    I am interpreting the MFP numbers to mean i need to stay under 1700, (but not to go below 1200).

    im sorry if this was talked about earlier, as i've been here only a short time, and i just dont get it totally. i went to a TDEE calculator and its confusing to me.,,, and im an accountant!! sheesh..

    You're supposed to eat 1700 calories if that's your number. If you exercise and add say 200 calories to it you're now supposed to eat 1900. MFP has your weight loss deficit figured in before you ever work out.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    Definitely try to bring up the exercise. High intensity interval training (it can be done on any equipment, even walking) will increase your caloric burn. If you feel weak after doing increased activity for a couple of weeks, then bring up your intake to < 500 below maintenance.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I recommend that you increase your calories along with your exercise intensity. Keep getting lots of good exercise, but make sure you are breathing hard and sweating for most of it.

    Also, do you do strength training as well as walking? Strength training will increase muscle mass, and the more muscle you have the higher your metabolism will be.
  • First off start doing a food journal. People who journal have a better chance of losing 50-80% of weight. Carry a little note pad around with you and jot down what you ate or drank during the day and then put it into a journal or on this web site.

    Eat every 3 hours to keep your metabolic rate working so you do not get the crash and burn. Insulin is the fat storing hormone. you want to keep your metabolic rate on an even keel and will control your blood sugar level.

    Eat Low Glycemic foods. 50% vegetable and fruit, 25% good lean protein and 25% good fats like fish, avocados, walnuts, olive oil. This is what you put on your plate.

    Avoid or limit any breads, pasta, rice, potatoes as these are very high glycemic and will spike your blood sugar.
    Have good protein with every meal and snack. Protein slow down your digestion and helps with blood sugar levels.

    Get your Vitamin D level checked by your doctor. Millions of people in North American are very low in this important vitamin.
    Vitamin is the delivering system for all nutrients in your body.

    A great cook book is: Meals in Minutes by Laura Kalina and Cheryl Christian. It is all about low glycemic foods and cooking. Easy and good too.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I recommend that you increase your calories along with your exercise intensity. Keep getting lots of good exercise, but make sure you are breathing hard and sweating for most of it.

    Also, do you do strength training as well as walking? Strength training will increase muscle mass, and the more muscle you have the higher your metabolism will be.

    omg,, i confess, i do not exercise as much as i ought to. i can explain but it will be like im making excuses. I am trying to add more exercise in now but i confess, i am not where i should be... :( im sorry... im trhying to focus on the food right now. long story.. :(
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I recommend that you increase your calories along with your exercise intensity. Keep getting lots of good exercise, but make sure you are breathing hard and sweating for most of it.

    Also, do you do strength training as well as walking? Strength training will increase muscle mass, and the more muscle you have the higher your metabolism will be.

    omg,, i confess, i do not exercise as much as i ought to. i can explain but it will be like im making excuses. I am trying to add more exercise in now but i confess, i am not where i should be... :( im sorry... im trhying to focus on the food right now. long story.. :(

    There is no reason to apologize. You can lose weight without exercise. The exercise portion is for fitness. Do what you can do and when you can/want to, increase your exercise. Get your weighing/measuring and tracking down first then you can branch out when you're ready/able.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member

    omg,, i confess, i do not exercise as much as i ought to. i can explain but it will be like im making excuses. I am trying to add more exercise in now but i confess, i am not where i should be... :( im sorry... im trhying to focus on the food right now. long story.. :(

    No reason to apologize. You're asking questions and learning. Now put all your new found knowledge to work for you and I'm sure you'll succeed. It's not easy and it's not quick but it really is worth the effort to get healthy.