kabochakitty Member


  • Feel free to add me. I'm finally starting to get serious about getting back in shape, so could use all the motivation I can get. Hope to lose maybe 15 lbs of fat, gain 5 lbs of muscle at least.
  • Ashlee, those are some amazing arms! Your hard work has definitely paid off. Good for you!
  • Kale chips. $8 for a bag of two servings? Seriously? It's a friggin dehydrated leaf. Give me a break.
  • Your body will adapt quickly. I did it for about a week and I felt like workout 1 was easy by then (wasn't in that great of shape either). I stopped due to all the jumping though. It felt bad for my feet and knees, but I'm tempted to start up again...
  • I'm 5'3", 27 years old, currently 125lbs and a size 6. I'm hoping to lose 5-10 more lbs, but mostly I am trying to focus on body fat and building some muscle. According to one of those handheld body fat monitors, I'm at about 23.3% body fat. I would like to get down to 20% and then reassess. I guess as a goal, I'll roughly…
  • Hecks yeah I'm in. I was planning on pushing to make my goal weight by then. I have 6.5 lbs to go! I want to shop those after Christmas sales and have my clothes fit, doggone it!!
  • The biggest obstacle is to just NOT GIVE UP. It will be difficult at first. I had so many false starts before I finally found something that worked for me. Remember, you have to start a lifestyle change you'll be able to keep up your whole life. But this is your life and health we're talking about, so hang in there! It is…
  • I'm 5'3", 27 years old. SW: 145 (back in Feb 2013) CW: 128 (Nov 2013) GW: 115-120 Yes, it's taken me a long time to lose, but at least it is coming off! Most of the weight loss is since June when I went vegan. Before that, I was eating restricted during the week but eating whatever on the weekends, and doing lots of cardio…
  • Agnostic vegan in DFW. I work in Fort Worth, so... yeah, it's a little weird. I just try to keep my mouth shut...
  • I'm 5'3", 137lbs, so pretty close. I've been struggling to lose even just a few pounds since February. I would go to the gym every day and do 40 minutes on the elliptical, would try not to eat junk, etc. The scale wouldn't budge. I switched jobs and took something downtown where I walk 30-60 minutes every day, and I still…