

  • For the last couple of weeks, mostly by choice, I am stuck at 211 (13 lost since this challenge started). I started investing more time into strength exercises and muscle building and less into calorie burn. It pays out and I am starting to REALLY like myself.
  • Half way there. Started at 224 and now at 114 - 10 pounds lost and 10 to go. Btw, thank you all for this group. Every little bit of motivation helps to keep at it.
  • Started at: 224 Now at: 216 Tiny bit ahead of schedule :)
  • Started at 224 Now at 219 Things are going rather well considering that we went for a small vacation for a Labour day. I did loosen up a bit while away, enjoyed local beers and food and that had almost no impact on my weight. Even missing gym for almost a week had no mayor negative effect. I am now back on my regular…
  • I quit smoking year and a half ago. It was my first attempt to quit. like to say that I quit because I was too lazy to keep doing it, but there were really many small reasons. I have 30 years of smoking record, so I did it all: ripped part of the lip when cigarette stuck on, lit up and wrong side and inhaled filter fumes,…
  • I do 3 x 20-minute dog walks every day. Six days a week I go to gym and do one hour at elliptical (950 calories) and 20 minuets between bench press and crunches. While working at computer, every couple hours I will drop at yoga mat and do 1 minute plank and 10/15 push-ups.
  • Hello. I am in "this" for about 2 months and over the half way to my 200lbs goal. I have steady and maintainable daily routine and 20 more lbs in two months sounds very reasonable. Good luck all.
  • Not really, just trying to optimize space in the nutri-bullet cup :) - 3 table spoons of seeds can still be mixed with fruit and veggies. Any more and things start getting harder to eat. I guess I am also trying to be frugal and instead of buying "super foods" I find it cheaper to mix my own. for 25% of "Holy Crap" price I…
  • Thanks, All those seem large and they might end up taking more space than the benefit they bring.