Perfect seed mix

I am looking for perfect seed mix I can add to my daily smoothie.

Right now I add 3 table spoons of this mix:

25% hemp hearts
25% chia
25% buckwheat
10% quinoa
10% flax
5% dulse

This comes to around $9 for pound and I want to keep it under $10.


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, cashews, pistachios, walnuts and brazil nuts
  • sashalav
    sashalav Posts: 11
    Thanks, All those seem large and they might end up taking more space than the benefit they bring.
  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member
    Thanks, All those seem large and they might end up taking more space than the benefit they bring.


    Is this like the whether fat weighs more than muscle or not argument?
  • sashalav
    sashalav Posts: 11
    Not really, just trying to optimize space in the nutri-bullet cup :) - 3 table spoons of seeds can still be mixed with fruit and veggies. Any more and things start getting harder to eat.

    I guess I am also trying to be frugal and instead of buying "super foods" I find it cheaper to mix my own. for 25% of "Holy Crap" price I can fit in all the main ingredients from it and then some. But when you mix things like that it is hard to know what to add in there.