

  • I have read a few articles on this and there are some other postings in here about it. Based on that research and my success (43 pounds lost) you have to understand that the "Starvation mode" is a moving target based on how much you work out. If MFP tells you to each 1700 calories, it is accounting for your deficit below…
  • I promise myself to workout every day. Sometimes that happens at noon, other times not until 9:30 pm. I do my final calorie tally as of when I go to bed. That is when our bodies make fat, cholesterol, rest, so that's when you should be at a balance between calories in and calories out. If you go to bed without a workout…
  • I would just be consistent. You don't need precision. What I do is if I have a machine that tells me calories, I use that. If I go for a run outside, I look it up online. I don't use the MFP estimates because, just like the food items, you never know where it is coming from. If you need to estimate for a run outside, try:…
  • I take a calcium supplement. It's better than the big horse pills though. Here is the site where you can buy it: You can also get paid to shop there and there are a ton of other nutritional supplements and other products. Scott Jaqua