KariRDH Member


  • The interval training works! The trainer at the gym showed me how to focus in that area and it helped me bust through a plateau! Congrats on pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and starting on the weights! Not an easy thing to do!
  • I have just started T25. I'm 49 years old and significantly overweight. The day I received my T25 I put the first disc on just to give it a try. I only lasted about 12 minutes and felt discouraged and a little intimidated. I decided to not let fear hold me back so today I "started" and made it through the full 25 minutes.…
    in T25 Comment by KariRDH March 2014
  • Today was my first day. It wasn't pretty. I modified the entire time. But I stayed focused and kept moving! I really like the way Shaun T explains the movements and can encourage me! I can't wait to get stronger. Day by day....
  • Hi everyone! I just got my T25 and planning to start Monday. I'm feeling a bit intimidated....I put on Alpha Cardio DVD just to try it and only made it about 12 minutes with the modifier...yikes! Looking for improvement day by day!! Id love to have some new friends so feel free to FR me.
  • Hi Dave! I'm right there too! I had a great first quarter in 2013. Took 30 lbs off!! Then I allowed "life" to get in my way and returned to my familiar habit of stress eating. So.... Here I am again. I KNOW I can take this weight off. This time I'm aiming to lose it and learn how to keep it off!! We can do it!! Feel free…
  • Absolutely stunning! Congratulations!!
  • 50 lbs!! I was off to a great start and got sidetracked in the Spring. But I'm back in focus!
  • Me too!! Restarting again....we can do this!