
Hi, I am new to this forum. I started t25 last week and it is a killer for me. I am 50 years old and i thought in shape.
I like what the videos suggest us do but I have to pause video numerous numerous of times. IT takes me an hour to
finish. My thighs burn and get out of breath but still continue. Would it be a really bad idea to do like 12 minutes of t25
then do remaining minutes about an hour later. I imagine that won't be effective huh.... Feedback would be deeply appreciated.


  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Are you going all out or are you following the modifier, Tanya?

    You should be able to go the full 25 minutes. You don't have to MATCH Shaun and company move for move. Go at your own pace, you can do it. Your thighs are supposed to burn. I'm in the best shape of my life and I still get out of breath doing T25, that's because he's basically beating the tar out of you for 25 minutes! LOL!
  • mikeyt56
    Hi i am 44 and am thinking about buying t25, I am out of shape pretty bad...6'1 250 i am curious if it works and can someone as out of shape as me get it done. In addition I have a bad back and am curious on the impact of the exercises. Thanks for the help

  • utswoan
    utswoan Posts: 4
    Elleloch, i do try and match shaun but I flip to tanya. I just finished week 2 and my thighs are still sore and burn.
    I guess i don't want to miss any moves, so I stop and rewind and such. i surely don't want to be doing 3 jumping jacks
    out of 20 that the team may do because i get out of breath. I just stop, rewind and continue where I got tired.
    I have a lateral meniscus tear in my knee that prohibits me from doing it 100%. I just feel like quitting already. i
    cannot believe that i am not able to do 25 minutes straight. thanks
  • ataylorgardner
    ataylorgardner Posts: 203 Member
    Mikeyt56, yes it does work. I am on week 8 and am loving it. I did not follow the meal plan and I am not seeing the results some others do but I am still seeing some. A friend of mine is on week 10 and she has lost almost 20 pounds and I am not even sure how many inches. With that said it is a really tough workout. its only 25 minutes and there are modified versions of all the exercises that are low to no impact but you still work your hiney off ;) If you do buy it from beachbody they have a 30 day money back guarantee so if it doesnt work for you, you can always return it.
  • snoodled
    snoodled Posts: 57
    I say stick with it. I was very out of shape when I did insanity. I was sore and couldn't make it through any of the workouts without stopping. In time you get better at it. I'm in better shape now and started doing t25. I could not make it through the entire workout without stopping my first few days but now I can. If you are really sore after your workout, I recommend a rest day or two in between. You may need a longer recovery period until you get used to the workout. If you're burning during the workout, good!!! You're doing it right.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    IMHO, the point of T25 is to push yourself for the full 25 minutes, so pausing and resting is against the whole philosophy.

    That said, "push yourself" doesn't mean "keep up with the freakin' animals in the video" (it's not a bad long-term goal, but sheesh, if you're already able to do that, you don't need T25). Follow the modifier (Tanya), or do something close, but slower. Better to be able to do the exercises *well* than fast. You'll get better over time.
  • sikicja
    sikicja Posts: 2
    I just started T25 myself, I am 44 and really starting "straight off the couch". I have to follow the modifier, and even at that sometimes have to just keep moving creating my own moves. It bugs me that these workouts aren't found to plug in activity in myfitnesspal since they are so popular. Hang in there.
  • SimplyAnonymous
    I totally say it is ok to pause it and rest long enough to catch your breath!! I always tell people to make it work for THEM. Sure, Shaun T says to not pause it, but in reality, if you are not yet able to do the whole thing, then pause it for a minute!! I did T25 last summer, and I did pause it sometimes too!! Guess what, I still lost 18 pounds and 18 inches with it. :)

    Most of all, don't get discouraged!!! Do what you can, and don't give up!!!!! I think you will do great, even with some rest breaks!!! :) Before you know it, you won't need those breaks!!!
  • ginahoust
    Please stick with it!!! You will get stronger and stronger each week. I'm 49 and really didn't exercise much before but finished T25 and lost 8 lbs and my body really changed mostly near the middle and end. I'm now onto Turbofire, my 4th week and have dropped an additional 3 pounds. I'm getting abs!!!! I have just a few more pounds to go for my goal but the body change is awesome!!!
  • KariRDH
    KariRDH Posts: 10 Member
    I have just started T25. I'm 49 years old and significantly overweight. The day I received my T25 I put the first disc on just to give it a try. I only lasted about 12 minutes and felt discouraged and a little intimidated. I decided to not let fear hold me back so today I "started" and made it through the full 25 minutes. I am following Tanya and modifying to lower impact. And concentrating on my form but I keep moving. Shaun T even tells us during the session to " go at your own speed but stay focused, keep going." I think the first time I was trying to keep pace with the people on the DVD. It's okay, as a noob, to does less repetitions but give it my all. I'm expecting that in time it will get easier as I get stronger.
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    Don't press pause. Just modify and go at your own pace. Rest briefly if you must. But let the video play and join back when you can.
  • utswoan
    utswoan Posts: 4
    Thanks everyone. It is discouraging but all these posts are uplifting. I guess i just have to adjust and be patient.