jvs125 Member


  • I think it's a good practice and makes this season more enjoyable. I mean, you WILL eat more anyway, so might as well plan for it and not feel guilty about it. I started my first "bulk/shred" and timed it so I'd be bulking right through the holidays and the shred starts at the beginning of January.
  • I never tried the Jillian Michaels BodyShred so I wouldn't be able to compare properly. From what I have done from JM, she uses more circuit training but you don't push yourself as hard as with Insanity. Insanity is high intensity intervals, you don't have much fun while doing it but you are really proud and feel…
  • I used to go to the gym and do classes and swim and tons of cardio. Since having the kids I just can't be consistent with gym so I started working out from home with DVDs exclusively. I love that there is a set program and that it tells me what exercises to do, what schedule to follow and even the nutrition. Simple, easy,…
  • Hi! Congrats on getting started! There are lots of very knowledgeable people here who will provide solid advice. I think your deficit is quite aggressive and would fear that it's not sustainable - you'll end up with no energy physically and mentally to do this until you've reached your goal weight. I'd set up a smaller…
  • Wow awesome that you could join a gym! Since having my babies I turned to home workouts because it's more convenient, time efficient and it leaves me no excuse. For time effective, check out kettlebell workouts? Mixes resistance training with cardio, you get a lot of bang for your buck. You have to take classes before…
  • I don't weigh myself, I measure progress with clothes, pictures, and measuring tape. It makes me happier and gives me a more accurate picture.
  • I work out from home only and enjoyed many different programs, depending on where I was with my goals and progression. The program I enjoyed the most so far was Hammer and Chisel for the variety; but now I just started Body Beast 3 days ago and it's a serious contender for my favorite workout of all. I really enjoy…
  • I used it to gain flexibility and move while giving my body some needed rest. I sweat a lot and enjoyed it. It depends on your goals though and have to pair it with proper nutrition.
  • I love their programs, did a few over the past year. Started Body Beast thjs morning!
  • I'm all about working out from home. With two children under 5, going to the gym is just not realistic - there are too many reasons to skip it and I end up being inconsistent. I'm working out at 5:30 am before everyone gets up. I like that no one sees me, I push myself much harder that way.
  • Eating 1200-1500 cals daily, NOT counting the burn from my workout..
  • I LOVE insanity! You have to keep you calorie intake in check. You have to get enough protein. If you do, you WILL see a difference. People who do not lose weight usually eat too much (unless there's an underlying health problem). But if you keep it in check, you will lose. I started to see real results during my 4th week.…
  • I like to shred it and roast it then I use it instead of pasta or rice. There are also good recipes for cabbage and peanut butter soup/stew, as weird as that sounds. Coleslaw.
  • I use them to replace eggs when baking muffins or pancakes, it's cheaper that way. I eat them as breakfast pudding. I use them to make no-cook jam. So I guess my answer would be breakfast or dessert, but really it's up to you to eat when you want.
  • I am not at maintenance yet, but MFP has me at 1650 cals for maintenance. However, based on how much I eat and exercise and how slow I'm losing, I'd say my maintenance is probably lower than that.
  • I was about to say bike and saw your last post. But honestly, if you could get to work by bike, your workout would be done without him. And you could probably also have a trailer for him and bring him around everywhere by bike, which is a good workout because it's heavy. I have two babies less then 2 years apart. I was…
  • I agree with others. Stick with the schedule and keep on pushing. You'll become stronger and better as you move along. Don't see this as a failure, you're a work in progress! If you keep on doing the same workout until you're satisfied with your performance, you'll quit before the end.
  • Yup! Healthy food is on the table and if they won't eat it, they wait until next day.. It's getting much easier now.
  • I use this website to give me an idea of the calorie burn: http://insanitycalories.com/ Then I log it under circuit training for a similar amount of calories
  • Still in, but I had to start last Thursday instead of Monday because I wasn't quite done my previous program. During weekends, I have no access to a TV/DVD/computer, so I take 2 days off instead of one. I completed day 3 today. I'm doing great so far! I started Insanity before but had to stop after the first month because…
  • Oatmeal with chopped or mashed banana and peanut butter. Delicious!
    in Oatmeal Comment by jvs125 September 2015
  • There's no need to go to a gym to get fit! All you need is you own body and the motivation to do something with it. I workout at home because I don't have time to hit the gym (I workout when the kids are napping so can't leave to get to a gym). I use kettlebells, dumbells, workout dvd's and our spinning bike. Or I put the…
  • My periods used to be ok but I have come to realize that it was only because I was on the birth control pill for so long. Now that I'm off it, the pain is awful and the flow is like a murder scene. I started using a menstrual cup about 6 months ago and while it's much better than tampons (on so many levels), it's still not…
  • I finished it today! Yay!!! I love that program! Not sure exactly how much I lost while doing this but I kept losing consistently and continued gaining definition. Used 12lb and 8lb dumbells all the way. Now on to my next challenge. Insanity here I come!